(A) New development sites.
(1) With respect to developments subject to the provisions of § 156.07, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, supplemental and replacement trees shall be planted consistent with the requirements of the approval.
(2) Replanted trees shall be at least ten feet tall and have a trunk of not less than two caliper inches when planted for Category I and Category II and at least six feet tall and have a trunk not less than one caliper inch when planted for Category III for replacement of trees with caliper inches of 24 inches or less. For replacement of trees with trunks over 24 caliper inches, all replanted trees shall be at least 12 feet tall and have a trunk of not less than 3½ caliper inches when planted for Category I and Category II. (See Appendix A for categories.)
(3) It is desirable that the replanting of trees be compatible with the sites, and that native trees be used. Accordingly, the replanting shall be in the same category as those trees removed.
(4) Trees shall be planted replacing one caliper inch for every two caliper inches designated on the Tree Survey Plan. If the site cannot physically accommodate the number of caliper inches required to be replanted, Planning Commission may approve a financial contribution to the City's Tree Program in lieu of a specific number of caliper inches.
(B) Redevelopment sites.
(1) With respect to redevelopments subject to the provisions of § 156.07, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, supplemental and replacement trees shall be planted consistent with the requirements of the approval.
(2) Replanted trees shall be at least ten feet tall and have a trunk of not less than three caliper inches when planted for Category I and Category II and at least six feet tall and have a trunk of not less than two caliper inches when planted for Category III. (See Appendix A for categories.)
(3) It is desirable that the replanting of trees be compatible with the sites, and that native trees be used. Accordingly, the replanting shall be in the same category as those trees removed.
(4) Trees shall be planted replacing one caliper inch for every one caliper inch designated on the Tree Survey Plan. If the site cannot physically accommodate the number of caliper inches required to be replanted, Planning Commission may approve a financial contribution to the City's Tree Program in lieu of a specific number of caliper inches.
(C) Tree removal without permission.
(1) No tree shall be removed unless provided for in § 156.04, without the prior written approval of the city.
(2) Replanted trees shall be at least ten feet tall and have a trunk of not less than three caliper inches when planted for Category I and Category II and at least six feet tall and have a trunk of not less than two caliper inches when planted for Category III. (See Appendix A for categories.)
(3) It is desirable that the replanting of trees be compatible with the sites, and that native trees be used. Accordingly, the replanting shall be in the same category as those trees removed.
(4) Trees shall be planted replacing one caliper inch for every one caliper inch designated on the Tree Survey Plan. If the site cannot physically accommodate the number of caliper inches required to be replanted, the Planning Commission may approve a financial contribution to the City's Tree Program in lieu of a specific number of caliper inches.
(5) Where tree removal without city permission has occurred, a contribution shall be made to the City's Tree Program in the amount of $200 per caliper inch for all trees removed in addition to the replanting required in § 156.15(C)(2), (3) and (4).
(Ord. 52-1990, passed 9-19-90; Am. Ord. 42-2001, passed 9-19-01) Penalty, see § 156.17