618.01   Dogs and other animals running at large.
618.02   Abandoning animals.
618.03   Killing or injuring animals.
618.04   Poisoning animals.
618.05   Cruelty to animals generally.
618.051   Cruelty to companion animals.
618.06   Coloring rabbits and baby poultry; sale or display of poultry.
618.07   Barking or howling dogs.
618.08   Registration of dogs required.
618.09   Hindering capture of unlicensed dog.
618.10   Unlawful tags.
618.11   Rabies quarantine.
618.12   Hunting prohibited.
618.13   Nuisance conditions prohibited.
618.14   Impounding and disposition; records.
618.15   Proximity of animals to human habitations.
618.16   Wild birds.
618.17   Report of escape of exotic or dangerous animal.
618.18   Assaulting police dog or horse or an assistance dog.
618.51   Definitions.
618.52   Prohibition.
618.53   Exceptions; permit and registration requirements.
618.54   Exemptions.
618.55   Notice of keeping dangerous animals.
618.56   Seizure and impounding of dangerous animals.
618.57   Permit required.
618.58   Issuance of permit.
618.59   Application for permit.
618.60   Permit fee.
618.61   Temporary permit; powers of Animal Control Officer.
618.62   Term and renewal of permits.
618.63   Inspection for renewal.
618.64   Revocation of permits.
618.65   Commercial establishments.
618.66   Appeals; fees.
618.67   Appeals; administrative hearing.
618.68   Subpoena power.
618.69   Appeal to Common Pleas Court.
618.70   Severability.
618.71   Violations and penalties.
618.72   Costs to be paid by responsible persons.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Power to restrain and impound animals - see Ohio R.C. 715.23
Driving animals upon roadway - see TRAF. 404.04, 412.05
Definitions generally - see GEN. OFF. 606.01
Offensive odors from places where animals are kept or fed - see GEN. OFF. 660.04