   I.   Prohibited, restricted parking
   (A)   Two-hour parking.
      (1)   For the purpose of this division (A), the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         OPERATOR. Every individual who shall operate a vehicle as the owner thereof, or his agent, employee or permittee of the owner.
         PERSON. Any individual, firm, partnership or corporation.
         STREET. Any public street, avenue, road, boulevard, highway or public place located in the Town of Sparta and established for the use of vehicles.
         VEHICLE. Any device in, upon or by which any person's property is or may be transported upon the highway, except a device upon rails or tracks.
(Prior Code, § 9.6.01)
      (2)   A two-hour limit is in effect 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
(Prior Code, § 9.6.02)
      (3)   When any vehicle is parked on Main Street or Whitehead Street and the operator allows same to exceed the two-hour limit shall constitute a breach of this division (A) and subject each operator, upon conviction thereof, to a misdemeanor and shall be fined not exceeding $50 or imprisoned not exceeding 30 days. If the vehicle shall remain parked in the parking space beyond the parking time limits fixed, a marked tire shall indicate illegal parking and, in that event, the vehicle shall be considered as parked overtime and a vehicle so parked shall be in violation of this division (A).
(Prior Code, § 9.6.03)
      (4)   Nothing in this division (A) is to be construed as prohibiting the town from establishing parking space for the parking of taxicabs, buses or for providing parking spaces for lawfully constituted law enforcement officers without requiring a charge be made for the parking if the above spaces shall have been marked with appropriate signs for the use of the cabs, buses or law enforcement officers.
(Prior Code, § 9.6.04)
      (5)   It shall be the duty of the Police Department to report:
         (a)   Each vehicle occupying the parking space and has been parking in violation of this division (A);
         (b)   The state license number of the vehicle; and
         (c)   The time the violation was detected and the date, and any other pertinent facts. Each officer shall attach a notice to the car instructing the owner or operator to report to the town office within two days and pay $5 as a penalty in full satisfaction of the violation. The failure of the violator to make the $5 payment shall render the violator to the penalties herein before set out, being a penalty of $10 after the two-day period, but within ten days.
(Prior Code, § 9.6.05)
      (6)   The two-hour parking limit shall be used to regulate and control traffic in the town.
(Prior Code, § 9.6.06)
      (7)   This division (A) shall be in full force and effect from the day of passage.
(Prior Code, § 9.6.08)
   (B)   Prohibited parking.
      (1)   No vehicle shall stop in any street, except for the purpose of parking as prescribed herein, unless the stop is made necessary by the approach of fire apparatus, by the approach of a funeral or other procession which is given right-of-way, by the stopping of public conveyance, by being given countermanding traffic signals, by the passing of some other vehicle or a pedestrian or by some emergency; in all cases covered by these exceptions, the vehicles shall stop so as not to obstruct any footway, pedestrian aisle, safety zone crossing or street intersection if it can be avoided. In particular, it is declared unlawful to:
         (a)   Park along Memorial Park Drive between Blue Ridge Street and Sunset Drive; however, persons attending funerals shall be exempt from this provision while funerals are being conducted;
         (b)   Park along West Whitehead Street on the north side from the traffic light to Jones Street; and/or
         (c)   Park along East Doughton Street across from the Sparta Poolroom.
      (2)   In unusual circumstances and in cases of emergency, any police officer of the town may authorize vehicles to stop in a street for the purpose of loading and unloading for a certain period of time which in no event shall exceed 15 minutes.
(Prior Code, § 9.4.01)