72.01 Vehicles not to obstruct passage of other vehicles
72.02 Parking stands for buses, taxicabs and the like
72.03 Parking of taxicabs within the same block
72.04 Parking parallel to curb
72.05 Left side to curb not permitted in Business District
72.06 Parking within lines where provided
72.07 Unlawful parking
72.08 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places
72.09 Moving the vehicles of other operators into restricted areas
Prohibited, restricted parking, see Ch. 75, Sch. I
No vehicle shall so stand on any street as to interrupt, or interfere with, the passage of public conveyances or other vehicles.
(Prior Code, § 9.4.02) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Certain locations which shall be designated, and may from time to time be changed, shall be reserved as stands for buses, taxicabs and law enforcement officers; no automobile or other vehicle shall park at the designated stands.
(B) The stands shall be designated by yellow paint, and otherwise as ordered.
(Prior Code, § 9.4.03) Penalty, see § 10.99