This district, although very suitable for agricultural uses in many locations, is designed to also permit low density single-family residential development, and is adaptable to urban and suburban locations.
   (A)   Regulations and performance standards. The following regulations shall apply in the R-1 Single-Family Residential District in addition to the general provisions in §§ 154.025 through 154.034.
      (1)   Lot area. When a sewer is not available, no permitted use or special exception shall be allowed on a new lot in the R-1 Districts unless the proposed lot contains an area of at least 80,000 square feet. If there is a sewer available that will allow the lot to hook onto the sewer, then the lot shall contain not less than 20,000 square feet. If there are water and sewer lines available that will allow the lot to hook up to these utilities, then the lot shall contain not less than 10,000 square feet.
      (2)   Lot width.
         (a)   When a sewer is not available, the minimum lot width shall be 150 feet at the building line. The minimum lot wide shall average 150 feet. In cases where the depth is less than the width, the lot depth shall average 150 feet.
         (b)   When a sewer is available, the minimum lot width shall average 100 at the building line. The lot width shall average 100 feet, and when the depth is less that the width, the lot depth shall average 100 feet. When water and sewer is available, the minimum lot width shall be 75 feet at the building line. The lot width shall average 75 feet, and when the depth is less than the width, the lot depth shall average 75 feet.
      (3)   Lot frontage. All lots within the R-1 District shall maintain a minimum of 60 feet of frontage on a publicly or privately maintained street or 35 feet when located on the radius of a cul-de-sac. The minimum frontage requirement shall run continually to the building line. The lot width must be a minimum of 60 feet at the building line.
      (4)   Yard and setback requirements.
         (a)   Front yard. Not less than 25 feet from the property line.
         (b)   Side yards. Least width of either side yard shall not be less than ten feet except in the case of a corner lot, where the side yard on the street side shall not be less than the required front yard setback.
         (c)   Rear yard. Not less than 30 feet.
      (5)   Height requirement. Except as otherwise provided, the following height requirements shall apply to all buildings, structures, and uses in this district.
         (a)   All primary structures shall not exceed a height of 35 feet.
         (b)   General and specialized farm buildings and structures shall not exceed a height of 50 feet. (See § 154.028.)
      (6)   Ground floor area. The minimum size of a residential structure shall be 950 square feet of living area for a single-story structure. The minimum size of a residential structure shall be 1,200 square feet for a multiple-story structure. This number excludes all garages, porches, and basements that do not include living area.
      (7)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage in a residential district is 35% of the entire lot.
      (8)   Off-street parking. For residential uses, two parking spaces per dwelling unit, excluding garages. For nonresidential uses, see §§ 154.175 through 154.181.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The permitted uses include only those listed in § 154.081 in all residential districts. The permitted accessory structures and buildings in all districts are listed in §§ 154.030 through 154.033.
   (C)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses include only those uses listed in § 154.082 in all residential districts and §§ 154.030 through 154.033.
   (D)   Special exceptions. Special exceptions include only those uses listed in § 154.083 allowed in all residential districts. The special exception criteria is set forth in §§ 154.215 through 154.220.
(Ord. 01-04-01, passed 4-10-2001)