General Provisions
151.01 Building Inspector
151.02 Fire Inspector
151.03 Constructing an entrance from private property onto a public right-of-way
151.04 Basement drainage
151.05 Street openings
151.06 Driveway culverts and drains
Plumbing Installation
151.20 Definition of plumbing
151.21 Who may engage in plumbing
151.22 Plumbing Inspector
151.23 Duties of Plumbing Inspector
151.24 Faulty plumbing
151.25 Permits
151.26 Fees; inspections
151.27 Water service
151.28 Sewer service
151.29 Soil and waste lines
151.30 Cross connections, traps, drains, and overflows
151.31 Clean-outs and vents
151.32 Test
151.33 Violations of state law
Building Permits
151.45 Purpose
151.46 Definition
151.47 Building permit required
151.48 Applications for building permits
151.49 Applications to be filed with Village Clerk
151.50 Granting of permits
151.51 Evasions
151.52 Fees
151.53 Swimming pools
151.99 Penalty