(A)   Traps must be prevented from siphonage by the installation of a system of ventilating piping. The size of these vents shall be at least two inches from toilets and one and one-half inches from other fixtures, except that lavatories may be one and one-fourth inch. All clean outs shall be of same size as the piping in which they are installed.
   (B)   Drum traps may be installed as wet vents on a continuous lavatory waste and vent, as approved and directed by the Plumbing Inspector.
   (C)   Where a water closet is installed or provision made for one, the main soil stack shall in no case be less than four inches except plastic or brass which may be three inches in diameter, and the closet bend shall be no more than six feet from the stack without being revented. In no case shall a sewer be extended into a building without a stack at least four inches except plastic or brass which may be three inches in diameter extended through the roof.
   (D)   All bathrooms shall be provided with an outside window when possible; otherwise, a fresh air vent must be provided.
(Ord. 401, passed 10-21-1971)  Penalty, see § 151.99