(A) The sewer service from the main sewer in the street or from the curb line shall be of cast iron soil pipe, of not less than four inches in diameter. The joints on the cast iron soil pipe to be securely caulked with lead and oakum and made watertight.
(B) Water and sewer services may be placed in the same excavated trench, providing the sewer service is of cast iron pipe, tightly corked with lead and oakum, and the water service is of copper or cast iron, and further provided that an additional ledge of not less than one foot wide be constructed on one side of the excavated sewer trench for the purpose of providing a firm foundation for the water service. Sewers other than cast iron shall be constructed in a separate trench which shall in no case be closer than five feet to any water service.
(C) No steam, exhaust, blow off, or drip pipe shall be connected with the sanitary sewer, storm sewer, house drain, soil or waste pipe; such pipes shall be discharged into a tank or condenser from which a suitable outlet into the sewer shall be provided.
(D) No connection from any cesspool or privy vault shall be made with any storm sewer or unused or disconnected sewer in the village streets.
(Ord. 401, passed 10-21-1971; Ord. 443, passed 4- -1974) Penalty, see § 151.99