(A) All soil and waste lines underground inside of buildings shall be cast iron, with joints made of lead and oakum and caulked tight; pipe known as standard weight may be used for buildings of less than four stories in height, and extra heavy shall be used for buildings of four stories or more.
(B) Soil, waste, and vent pipes inside of buildings and above the ground may be cast iron, galvanized steel, or plastic. Plastic pipe must be of Schedule 40-IPS-DWV-D-LF Commercial Standard-272-65 and ASTM-D-265 with flame spread rating of 10 as tested to ASTME 821. Where screwed pipe is used for soil and waste lines, the fittings used shall be regular cast iron recessed drainage fittings, while fittings on the vent lines may be either cast iron drainage or regular galvanized malleable fittings.
(C) All changes in direction of soil and waste lines shall be made with curved fittings, and branch connections shall be made with “Y” and eighth or sixteenth bends. Sanitary tees and crosses will be allowed only on vertical stacks.
(D) All soil, waste, and vent lines shall extend at least one foot above the roof or be connected to the main vent stack above the highest fixture. Vent and waste stacks shall be increased in size below the roof so that in no case will the pipe extending through the roof be smaller than four inches in diameter, with lead roof flashing made water tight, three inches in diameter for plastic, with roof flashing of plastic made water tight. No vent shall terminate near a window.
(E) All openings left in soil and waste lines for future fixture connections shall be vented the same as if for immediate use.
(F) There shall be a clean out at the base of all stacks and at all points where the direction of soil or waste is changed, and in horizontal runs at points not more than 60 feet apart.
(Ord. 401, passed 10-21-1971; Ord. 443, passed 4- -1974) Penalty, see § 151.99