The following conditions, where applicable, shall apply to all uses permitted under this chapter:
   (a)   All mobile home park developments shall comply with the applicable requirements of Act 419 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended, with the rules of the State Mobile Home Commission as set forth and provided for under Act 419, and with this chapter.
   (b)   For the purpose of computing dwelling unit density, the total number of mobile home sites permitted shall be determined by dividing the area of the site, exclusive of any dedicated public right of way, by the factor of 5,500, except that a mobile home site may be reduced in area to the minimum area required to meet State specified distances between mobile homes, provided there shall be no attendant increase in dwelling unit density. All land area gained under this exception shall be placed in park land or open space land for use by the residents of the mobile home park.
   (c)   Mobile home parks shall not be permitted on parcels of less than twenty acres, except that sites as small as ten acres may be permitted where such sites represent a physical expansion of an adjacent existing mobile home park.
   (d)   Access to a mobile home park shall only be from a major thoroughfare as designated in the City's Comprehensive Development Plan. There shall be no access permitted from a residential street or through a Residential District.
      All drives within the park and any drive leading to the park from a major thoroughfare shall be hard-surfaced streets, including curbs, gutters and sidewalks, and shall be constructed in accordance with City regulations.
   (e)   An area of sufficient width to permit the development of a landscaped earth berm, not less than six feet in height, shall be provided along the park frontage on a major thoroughfare.
      In those instances where a mobile home park lies adjacent to an existing nonresidential district, a twenty-foot wide greenbelt planting screen shall be provided. The earth berm and planting, where required, shall be provided in accordance with Sections 1298.09 and 1298.13.
   (f)   Off-street parking shall be provided within the mobile home park in accordance with Chapter 1292.
   (g)   A mobile home park shall provide an area for the storage of park residents' recreational vehicles, boats and other equipment in accordance with Section 1298.05.
   (h)   No mobile home shall have less than 600 square feet of floor space.
   (i)   Each mobile home park shall provide recreational park or open space areas in accordance with Rule 946 of Act 419 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended.
   (j)   All mobile home pads shall be constructed of reinforced concrete. The length and width of the pad shall be not less than the length and width of the mobile home placed upon it. Mobile home pads shall further comply with the requirements of Rule 943 of Act 419 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended.
   (k)   All mobile homes shall be anchored to their pads in accordance with the requirements of Rules 605 through 609, inclusive, of Act 419 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended.
   (l)   Each mobile home shall be provided with exterior skirting in accordance with the requirements of Rule 604 of Act 419 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended.
   (m)   Storage sheds shall be permitted in the rear fifty percent of an individual lot, or in a side yard when they are an integral part of a covered parking structure, provided all storage sheds are located at least three feet from any lot line, three feet from the mobile home, twenty feet from any public street and not less than ten feet from any adjacent mobile home. No storage shed shall be permitted in any front or exterior side yard.
   (n)   All preliminary site plans shall be prepared in accordance with the applicable requirements of Act 419 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended, and in accordance with this chapter and Section 1298.07.
   (o)   No permit shall be issued for the construction of a mobile home park until the approval of a preliminary site plan has been given by the State Mobile Home Commission and by the City Planning Commission.
   (p)   Wherever in this chapter an earth berm or greenbelt planting screen is required, it shall be shown in detail on the site plan indicating the scaled location, type and height of the plantings.
   (q)   Construction plans shall be submitted to the State Mobile Home Commission and to the City Building Department for review and approval. All such plans shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the applicable requirements of Act 419 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended.
   (r)   Whenever a construction plan differs from an approved site plan with respect to those requirements set forth in Section 1298.07, a revised site plan shall be submitted to the State Mobile Home Commission and to the City Planning Commission for their review and approval.
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89.)