(a)   The off-street parking or storage of any mobile home, recreational vehicle or recreational equipment in any Residential District shall be subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Except where otherwise permitted in this Zoning Code, the off-street parking of a mobile home for periods exceeding twenty-four hours on land not approved for mobile homes or mobile home parks shall be expressly prohibited.
         All mobile homes owned by residents of the City and stored on their individual lots shall be stored only within the confines of the rear yard and shall, further, respect the requirements of Section 1298.04(a) insofar as distances from principal structures, lot lines and easements are concerned.
         No such mobile home so parked or stored shall be connected to sanitary facilities or occupied.
      (2)   Recreational vehicles and recreational equipment may be parked anywhere on residential premises for not longer than forty-eight hours while being loaded or unloaded in connection with its recreational use.
      (3)   Except for temporary loading and unloading as allowed by paragraph (a)(2) above, all recreational vehicles and recreational equipment shall be stored on a paved surface in the rear yard only and shall be subject to the applicable conditions of this section regarding accessory buildings with respect to height, yard coverage and setbacks. In the case of a corner lot where the rear lot line is also a side lot line for the lot to its rear, the storage of recreational vehicles and recreational equipment shall occur no closer to the exterior side street lot line than the minimum required front yard setback distance for the lot to its rear.
      (4)   Recreational vehicles and recreational equipment parked or stored on residential premises shall be kept in good repair and shall carry a current license plate and/or registration as required by law.
      (5)   At no time shall recreational vehicles or recreational equipment be used for living or housekeeping purposes, nor may it be connected to water or sanitary sewer facilities.
      (6)   The outdoor storage of recreational vehicles or recreational equipment on any residential lot or parcel shall be limited to only that equipment owned by or licensed or registered to the occupant of the residential lot or parcel on which the equipment is stored.
      (7)   In the case of a multifamily dwelling, a complex of multifamily dwellings or mobile home parks, the City shall require that a screened area, in addition to off-street parking spaces, be provided on the site for the parking and storage of recreational vehicles.
   (b)   The off-street parking of commercial vehicles in any Residential District shall be subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   No person shall park, and no registered owner of a vehicle shall permit to be parked, any commercial vehicle weighing in excess of 5,000 pounds on any residentially zoned property in the City for any purpose or length of time, other than for expeditious loading, delivery, pick-up or unloading of materials, goods or merchandise, or for the purpose of carrying on a principal use permitted on the property on which the vehicle is parked, as otherwise provided in this Zoning Code.
      (2)   The above paragraph (b)(1) shall not preclude the parking on premises of commercial vehicles that are the principal means of transportation for a resident in the conduct of such resident's employment or profession, provided:
         A.   They do not include:
            1.   Semi-trucks, tractors, and trailers;
            2.   Utility trailers;
            3.   Buses;
            4.   Bucket truck or other vehicles with an attached aerial work platform;
            5.   Cube truck/van style vehicles;
            6.   Stake trucks;
            7.   Wreckers;
            8.   Dump trucks; and
            9.   Other commercial type vehicles with more than two axles or dual rear wheel tires.
         B.   They are parked on a paved surface in a side yard or rear yard only.
      (3)   The owner of residentially owned property shall not permit a commercial vehicle to remain on such property in violation of this Zoning Code.
      (4)   In any proceeding for a violation of this section, where a motor vehicle displays commercial license registration plates, such registration shall constitute prima-facie presumption that it is a commercial vehicle at the time of any alleged violation.
      (5)   In any proceeding for a violation of the weight limitations of this section, the weight indicated on the vehicle's registration shall constitute a prima-facie presumption of the weight of the vehicle at the time of any alleged violation.
(Ord. 10-897. Passed 2-3-10.)
   (c)   The off-street parking or storage of motor vehicles, where permitted, in any nonresidential district, shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   The on-premises parking of motor vehicles for the purpose of loading or unloading of materials or products shall be permitted as regulated in Section 1292.04.
      (2)   The outdoor parking of motor vehicles for periods of more than eighteen hours shall be prohibited, except that the parking on premises of vans, pickup trucks and similar single rear axle, step-type delivery vehicles, excluding semitrailer trucks and tractors, when used as an integral and necessary part of a business operation, may be parked on the premises for up to sixty-four continuous hours, provided that:
         A.   Not more than three such vehicles shall be so parked at one time during any sixty-four hour period.
         B.   They are parked in a uniform manner, neat and orderly in appearance.
         C.   They are parked in the rear or side yards, away from any street frontage, unless there is no other area on the premises where they can be parked.
         D.   They shall not be parked in any required landscaped area nor in any required off-street parking space, vehicle maneuvering lane or designated loading or unloading areas, during business hours.
      (3)   No motor vehicle shall be stored outdoors in any nonresidential district, except that motor vehicles for sale may be stored or displayed outdoors when they are on the premises of a new car dealership.
(Ord. 492. Passed 6-5-91; Ord. 24-1041. Passed 5-15-24.)