All bakeries and bulk food establishments shall conform to the following requirements at all times:
(a) Buildings shall be free from contaminating surroundings and shall be rodent proof.
(b) Living or sleeping rooms in direct connection with any part of a food establishment shall not be permitted.
(c) All plumbing shall comply with the Building and Housing Code.
(d) Floors must be tight, smooth, easily cleaned, well drained and free from obstructions.
(e) Walls, ceilings and partitions must have a tight, smooth, easily cleaned surface.
(f) Lighting shall be such that all parts of the premises are adequately lighted at all times with at least ten footcandles of light on working surfaces.
(g) Adequate toilet facilities shall be provided for both men and women. Each toilet room shall be equipped with a flush toilet with siphon breakers, lavatory, warm water, soap and individual single service towels. The number of fixtures shall be determined by the County Department of Health on the basis of the number of persons employed.
(h) An adequate supply of running hot water shall be piped to all sinks. Where a storage tank is used, the minimum capacity shall be thirty gallons.
(i) Refrigerators shall be adequate and of sufficient size to properly store all perishable foods and shall be kept at a temperature of fifty degrees Fahrenheit or below. Ice boxes shall be properly drained to an approved waste drain sink.
(j) All outside doors, windows and other openings shall be provided with sixteen mesh screens or other approved mechanical means of eliminating flies.
(k) All work tables and benches must be of tight, smooth material, free from cracks and easily cleaned.
(l) Watertight, properly covered, metal containers shall be provided to take care of all garbage.
(m) All employees shall have food handler's certificates of current issue.
(n) Employees shall wear clean washable clothes, shall cover street clothes worn while working and shall wear a suitable head covering.
(o) Adequate lockers shall be provided for clothing of all employees.
(p) Rubbish or unused equipment or fixtures shall not be stored in food processing rooms.
(q) All food stored shall be elevated at least twelve inches above the floor, unless packaged in watertight containers, and shall be free of possible sources of contamination.
(r) Basement floors shall be tight, smooth and sloped to proper floor drains.
(s) No live animals, including cats and dogs, shall be permitted in or kept in any room in which food or drink is prepared, stored or served.
(t) No live fowl, including canaries, parrots and parakeets, shall be permitted in any room in which food or drink is prepared, stored or served.
(u) No food shall be stored below sewer lines.
(v) The water supply shall be from the City water supply.
(w) The sewage shall be discharged into the City sewerage system.
(1974 Code § 6.45)