606.01 Purposes.
606.02 Definitions.
606.03 Street posters and signs.
606.04 Distribution on public property.
606.05 Placing handbills in or on motor vehicles.
606.06 Distribution on vacant private property.
606.07 Signs prohibiting distribution.
606.08 Manner of distribution.
606.09 Exceptions to chapter.
606.10 Subversive or offensive handbills prohibited.
606.11 Application of chapter.
606.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate billboards- see CHTR. § 4(7)
Posting signs without permission - see M.C.L.A. §§ 752.821 et seq.
Street name signs - see P. & Z. 1248.10
Advertising by electrical contractors - see B. & H. 1488.10