Public Hearing, Corporate Rights and Political Contributions
   EDITOR’S NOTE: Ordinance 12-16, passed by the Council on July 25, 2016, was approved by the voters on November 8, 2016.
114.01   Public hearing in May of each odd year.
114.02   Notice from City declaring support for Constitutional amendment concerning political contributions.
   Beginning in 2017, the Mayor and City Council shall hold a public hearing in May of each odd year for the purpose of studying the impact on the City of South Euclid of political contributions by corporations, unions, Political Action Committees ("PACS") and Independent Expenditure-Only Committees ("Super PACS") in connection with the most recent election. The public hearing shall be advertised in accordance with the City ordinances and City Charter on its website and through area media at least one month in advance of the hearing and shall be open to the public. The Mayor and at least one City Councilperson shall submit testimony at the public hearing. Members of the general public in attendance shall be afforded the opportunity to speak for a period to be determined by the presiding officer, but in no instance to be limited to less than three minutes, and to provide written testimony. The City shall issue a report of its findings to the City Fiscal Officer no later than July 15th.
(Ord. 12-16. Passed 7-25-16.)
   (a)   On or before the 21st day of January of each year until the United States Congress has proposed an amendment to the United States Constitution as provided for in Article V of the United States Constitution and until the State of Ohio has ratified that amendment, the Mayor shall provide written notice to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the United States congressional delegation representing the City of South Euclid, including, but not limited to, the two United States Senators representing the State of Ohio, and any U.S. Representative representing South Euclid in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Governor of Ohio, the President of the Ohio Senate, the Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives, and any Ohio Senator and Representative representing South Euclid in the Ohio General Assembly indicating that the citizens of the City, of South Euclid in November of 2016 voted in support of this codified ordinance calling for a constitutional amendment declaring:
      (1)   Only human beings, not corporations, are legal persons with constitutional rights; and
      (2)   Money is not equivalent to speech, and therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech.
   (b)   The biennial public hearing required hereunder shall cease if and when a constitutional amendment reflecting the principles set forth in this section is ratified by three-fourths of state legislatures in the United States of America.
(Ord. 12-16. Passed 7-25-16.)