(a) Determination of Landscape Buffer Requirements. Buffering and screening standards are required to minimize the appearance of service and utilitarian areas of a facility and to lessen potential conflicts between dissimilar uses located on adjacent parcels. The degree of conflict between the use types determines the extent of the buffer required.
(b) Buffer Types. Buffer types A through F and their descriptions can be found in Section 771.50, Schedule 3: Landscape Buffer Types.
(c) Buffer Yard Location. Entire buffer yard area shall be provided on the subject property and shall not preclude setbacks required by this Chapter. The buffer yard standards apply at the subject property line when two dissimilar zoning districts are adjacent, as outlined in Section 771.50, Schedule 4: Landscape Buffer Requirements. Existing mature vegetation, (such as riparian and tree lines) may be credited towards required buffering. The required buffer yards shall meet the following minimum standards:
(1) Responsibility. The developer or owner of the property being developed or improved is responsible for installing the buffer yard at the time of development. The adjacent property owner shall not be responsible for installing the buffer yard.
(2) Planting Location. Required buffer yard trees may be placed either at regular intervals or in irregular patterns representing a natural landscape, provided that the resulting screen is continuous and effective. Deciduous trees shall be placed ten feet apart or more, dependent upon species’ mature size. No buffer yard or required landscape materials shall be placed within any easement, right-of-way, or septic field. Evergreens shrubs shall be distributed throughout the buffer yard in such as manner as to ensure that the screen is effective throughout all seasons.
(3) Plant Types. All required plant material for screening purposes shall be a minimum of fifty percent evergreen.
(4) Groundcover. All portions of the buffer yard not planted with trees, shrubs or other landscaped materials shall be covered with turf grass or other vegetated groundcover. Landscaping stone or other non-vegetative surfaces may not be substituted for groundcover unless otherwise approved by the City Landscape Architect.
(d) Loading Area Screening Standards. Vehicle loading areas shall be screened from public and private roads and adjacent residential districts or uses. A Type D buffer shall be used (Section 771.50, Schedule 3: Landscape Buffer Types).
(e) Dumpster Screening. Nonresidential and multi family refuse, grease and recycling disposal. Dumpsters shall be screened on three sides by the construction of brick or masonry screens with fabricated gates on heavy-duty hardware. Such screening shall be a 6' to 8' in height, adequate for screening the dumpster. The fourth side which provides access to the dumpster for refuse collectors shall be gated and situated so that the container is not visible at an angle greater than forty-five degrees from adjacent public streets.
(f) Outdoor Storage Screening. All nonresidential manufacturing, assembling, construction, repairing, maintenance, and storage which takes place outdoors within view of a public street or a residential zoning district shall require a landscape buffer of Type D or E as described in Section 771.50, Schedule 3: Landscape Buffer Types and shall be subject to approval by the City Landscape Architect or the Planning Commission.
1. All other storage shall be completely enclosed by an eight foot high screen consisting of a solid fence, masonry wall, dense plant material, or any combination thereof to provide 100 percent year-round opacity. In instances where a non-opaque or open fence is used (i.e., chain link), landscaping consisting of evergreen plantings shall be provided around the exterior perimeter of the fencing and shall provide a 6' high screen with one hundred percent year-round opacity.
(g) Roof-, Ground-, and Building-Mounted Equipment. All roof-top and ground-mounted mechanical equipment, such as HVAC units, shall be screened from the view of all public streets by parapets, dormers, or other screens. The material of all such screens shall be consistent with the exterior materials used on the facade of the structure.
(Ord. 41-10. Passed 9-26-11.)