(a) At the time of installation, plant materials shall conform to the requirements described in the latest edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, which is published by the American Association of Nurserymen. Plants shall be nursery grown.
(b) Plants shall conform to the measurements specified below:
(1) Caliper measurements shall be taken six inches above root flare for trees under four inches in diameter and twelve inches above root flare for trees four inches or larger in diameter.
(2) Minimum canopy height for all shade trees shall be four feet.
(3) Minimum size for shade trees shall be two and one-half inches in caliper.
(4) Minimum size for ornamental trees shall be one and one half inches in caliper.
(5) Minimum size for evergreen trees shall be a height of six feet.
(6) The minimum height for required screening shrubs is twenty-four inches. Species selected shall attain the required minimum mature height of thirty-six inches within two years.
(7) The City Landscape Architect may require at the time of the landscape, site or preliminary plat approval, that proposed landscape material be larger at the time of installation.
(Ord. 41-10. Passed 9-26-11.)