(a)   The Planning Commission, in addition to all other powers and duties, general and specific, set forth in this chapter, or as may be conferred upon it by ordinance of City Council or the Charter of the City of South Euclid, shall have the following specific powers and duties:
      (1)   Review site plans for all buildings, structures and uses, except single-family detached homes and improvements pertinent thereto, for which application for a building permit is made, and advise and consult with the Zoning Administrator concerning such plans. Prior
      (3)   Review and approve, disapprove, or approve with modification, all applications for any subdivision or resubdivision of land within the City in accordance with the terms of these regulations.
      (4)   Review all substitutions of nonconforming uses as set forth in Title Five. No building permit or certificate of occupancy for such substitution shall be issued without approval of the Planning Commission, and only in accordance with the terms of such approval.
      (5)   Recommend amendments to this Planning and Zoning Code to the City Council.
      (6)   Review of all proposed amendments to this Code submitted to it by the Zoning Administrator and recommend approval, disapproval, or approval with modifications, to the City Council.
      (7)   Hold public hearings in accordance with the provisions of this Title.
      (8)   Employ staff for clerical, investigative and other purposes necessary to the performance of its duties. Expenditures for such employment shall be within the amount appropriated by City Council.
   (b)   A quorum shall consist of three members, and the concurring vote of three or more members of the Planning Commission shall be necessary to take any action on any application or amendment to the Planning and Zoning Code.
      (1)   A member of the Planning Commission shall not be qualified to vote if he or she has a direct or indirect interest in the application or amendment.
      (2)   When the Planning Commission is required to conduct a public hearing on an application or amendment, a member of the Planning Commission shall not be qualified to vote if he or she has not attended such required public hearing.
(Ord. 71-06. Passed 6-11-07.)