   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   WEEDS. This term shall include the following: noxious weeds, ragweed, giant and common; Canada thistle, all of its varieties; perennial snow thistle; European bind weed; hoary cress, leafy spurge; and Russian knapweed. Others: burdock; cocklebur; jimson; blue vervain; common milkweed; wild carrot; poison ivy; wild mustard, tough pigweed, lambsquarter; wild lettuce; curled dock; smart weeds, all varieties; poison hemlock; wild hemp; oxeye daisy; goldenrod; yellow hemlock; buckhorn; or other weeds of a like kind. This also includes all ornamental grasses, used for lawn or yard purposes.
('81 Code, § 7-13.03) (Ord. 1980-14-1, passed 9-22-80)
   Every owner of, or possessor as aforesaid of real estate within this village, shall cut weeds on such property at least twice a year: Once between July 1 and July 25, and once between August 10 and August 25, and in any event, as may be necessary so that weeds shall not exceed ten inches in height on said real estate. If the owner or other person possessing said real estate refuses or neglects to cut weeds on such real estate so that they exceed ten inches in height, this village may cause such weeds to be cut.
('81 Code, § 7-13.04) (Ord. 1980-14-4, passed 9-22-80) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 95.04 LIEN FILED.
   If weeds are caused to be cut by the village as aforesaid, it shall file notice of lien as to the costs of same pursuant to the Illinois Municipal Code.
('81 Code, § 7-13.05) (Ord. 1980-14-5, passed 9-22-80; Am. Ord. 1989-2, passed 1-3-89)
   Upon payment in full of all costs and expense incurred by the village in the cutting of weeds, such lien shall be released, pursuant to the Illinois Municipal Code.
('81 Code, § 7-13.06) (Ord. 1980-14-6, passed 9-22-80)
   It shall be required that any owner, lessee, occupant, or possessor, or any agent, servant, representative or employee of any such owner, lessee, occupant or possessor, or person having control over any parcel of real estate in this village, maintain the parkway area (area between property line and paved roadway) in a manner consistent with the level of maintenance given their private property.
(Ord. 1992-23, passed 8-17-92) Penalty, see § 10.99