The provisions of chapter 110, insofar as the provisions may be applicable and not in conflict, shall apply to and govern the issuance of any license under the provisions of this subchapter.
(1992 Code, § 37-15) (Ord. 30-87, passed 5-18-1987)
Along with the application for a license required by this subchapter, the applicant shall file with the city finance department a certificate of standard form contractor’s public liability insurance, covering bodily injuries, including death, with limits of not less than $100,000 for each person and $300,000 for each accident and covering property damage with a limit of $50,000 for each accident.
(1992 Code, § 37-16) (Ord. 30-87, passed 5-18-1987)
As a condition of his or her license, every person who engages in the activity or business of sign or outdoor advertising in the city shall maintain and deliver to the zoning enforcement manager a continuous bond in the penal sum of $10,000 in a form approved by the city with the licensee as principal on the bond and the city as the obligee for its benefit and that of consumers dealing with the contractor. The bond shall be conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of this chapter and chapter 160 of this Code. Claims upon the bond may be filed by any person damaged by reason of the principals failure to perform his or her obligation under the bond. The bond shall be in addition to all other license bonds. The bond shall be written by a corporate surety authorized to transact business in the state. Suspension or revocation of the license of the principal shall not by itself affect the liability of either the principal or the surety on the bond except that the liability of the surety shall not extend to acts or omissions of the principal occurring after the effective date of his or her license suspension or revocation.
(1992 Code, § 37-18) (Ord. 30-87, passed 5-18-1987; Ord. 157-95, passed 12-18-1995)
It shall be the duty of persons engaged in the activity or business of renting or providing portable signs to others to record the date of the transaction, the name of the sign users and the proposed location of the portable sign and to maintain these records for a period of two years. Furthermore, it shall be their duty to require applicants placing portable signs within city limits to produce a valid permit prior to transfer of the sign. All portable signs must prominently display the name of its owner, whether business or individual.
(1992 Code, § 37-19) (Ord. No. 30-87, § 1, passed 5-18-1987)