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Sioux Falls Overview
Code of Ordinances of Sioux Falls, SD
   A permit to demolish or move a structure which is on the local register may not be obtained for a period of 90 days from the date the application is received by the planning and building services department unless approval for removal or demolition is given by the board of historic preservation at an earlier date. During this period, the board may attempt to preserve the property by exercising the powers and authorities given to the board in § 151.019.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-31) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986; Ord. 45-87, passed 6-22-1987)
   Before a structure can be moved into a historic district, the procedure described in §§ 151.043 and 151.044 must be followed. If the structure proposed for the district does not meet the approval of the board of historic preservation, a permit will not be issued for 90 days from the date the application is received by the planning and building services department. During this period, the board may negotiate with the property owner to attempt to find a reasonable alternative for the proposed structure.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-32) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986; Ord. 45-87, passed 6-22-1987)
   Any contract entered into by the fire department for burning a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the city register must receive the approval of the board of historic preservation.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-33) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986)
    Fire protection and prevention, see ch. 91
   (a)   The following properties have been reviewed by the board of historic preservation and the board has determined that the properties do meet the criteria for designation to the local register as specified in § 151.036.
   (b)   A report has been presented to the city council containing an explanation of the significance of:
      (1)   Queen Bee Mill: Falls Park, North Weber Avenue;
      (2)   Carnegie Free Public Library: lots 1–3, block 8, J. L. Phillips Addition;
      (3)   Schaetzel-Lyon House: the south 103 feet of the north 639 feet of tract 1, northwest 1/4 of 21-101-49;
      (4)   Central Fire Station: 100 South Minnesota Avenue, J. N. Bailey Subdivision of lots 1–3 and lots 1–4, block 4, J. L. Phillips Addition;
      (5)   City Coliseum: 501 North Main Avenue, Brookings and Edmunds, Block 29;
      (6)   City Hall: 224 West Ninth Street, J.L. Phillips, block 10, lots 1–9;
      (7)   R. F. Pettigrew Home: 131 North Duluth Avenue, Bennett’s First Addition, block 15, lots 1, 2 and the north 1/4 of 3;
      (8)   Sherman Park Indian Burial Mounds: boulevard area of Upper Sherman Park Road, as located in tracts 9 and 10 of southwest 1/4 of 19-101-49 and northwest 1/4, except northeast 1/4, northwest 1/4, northwest 1/4 of 19-101-49;
      (9)   Terrace Park Japanese Gardens: Fourth Street and Grange Avenue, as located in the southwest 1/4, northeast 1/4, northwest 1/4 of 17-101-49;
      (10)   Penmarch Place: Rural Route 1, Box 142;
      (11)   McKennan Park Historic District:
         A.   105–731 East 21st Street;
         B.   1319–1635 South Second Avenue;
         C.   1310–1710 South Fourth Avenue;
         D.   1220 South Phillips Avenue; and
         E.   220 East 26th Street.
      (12)   Old Courthouse and Warehouse Historic District:
         A.   330–501 North Main Avenue;
         B.   333–501 North Phillips Avenue;
         C.   110 West Fifth Street;
         D.   200–220 West Sixth Street; and
         E.   196–206 East Sixth Street.
      (13)   All Saints Historic District:
         A.   619–1316 South Phillips Avenue;
         B.   600–1220 South First Avenue;
         C.   1100–1207 South Second Avenue;
         D.   1000–1207 South Third Avenue;
         E.   1101–1216 South Fourth Avenue;
         F.   1205 South Fifth Avenue;
         G.   131 West and 315 East 18th Street;
         H.   118 West–417 East 19th Street (except 406 and 410);
         I.   105–533 East 20th Street;
         J.   100 East 21st Street;
         K.   100–208 East 23rd Street;
         L.   All Saints School;
         M.   Longfellow School; and
         N.   The following item within Lyon Park: Civil War cannon.
      (14)   McKennan Park:
         A.   Pillars of the Nation monument located at the west entrance of the park;
         B.   Sunken Gardens, including the stone wall and the fountain located in the northeast section of the park;
         C.   Band shell located in the southwest section of the park;
         D.   Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Plaque;
         E.   World War I Memorial Tree Plaque; and
         F.   Curved sidewalk located in the northwest corner of the park. This is the original sidewalk that led to the front door of the Melvin Grigsby and Helen McKennan House.
      (15)   Sioux Falls (Cathedral) Historic District:
         A.   100–133 South Prairie Avenue;
         B.   101–330 North Prairie Avenue;
         C.   103–133 South Summit Avenue;
         D.   107–535 North Summit Avenue;
         E.   103–127 South Duluth Avenue;
         F.   109–519 North Duluth Avenue;
         G.   103–125 South Spring Avenue;
         H.   109–535 North Spring Avenue (west side only of North Spring Avenue);
         I.   702 West Fifth Street;
         J.   609–700 West Sixth Street;
         K.   500–720 West Seventh Street;
         L.   516–732 West Eighth Street;
         M.   506–732 West Ninth Street; and
         N.   500–740 West Tenth Street (north side of West Tenth Street only).
      (16)   E. B. Meredith House: 1315 South Walts Avenue, Park Addition, block 26, Meredith’s Subdivision of lots 4 and 5;
      (17)   Andrew O. Huseboe House: 223 South Prairie Avenue, Pettigrew Addition, block 29, lot 9; and
      (18)   A portion of right-of-way located in the NE 1/4, SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Section 9, Township 100 North, Range 50 West, also known as the Old Yankton Road, more particularly described as follows:
The entire width of the right-of-way, beginning at the centerline of the intersection of the Old Yankton Road and Ralph Rogers Road (previously platted as Sixty-Fourth Street), and extending northeasterly 2,129.16 feet to the northeast corner of Tract 2, Swift Park Addition.
   (c)   The above are hereby listed on the register of historic places.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-35) (Ord. 41-86, passed 5-12-1986; Ord. 42-86, passed 5-12-1986; Ord. 92-86, passed 10-20-1986; Ord. 1-87, passed 1-5-1987; Ord. 35-87, passed 5-26-1987; Ord. 38-87, passed 6-1-1987; Ord. 48-87, passed 6-29-1987; Ord. 97-87, passed 11-23-1987; Ord. 33-88, passed 5-9-1988; Ord. 11-93, passed 2-8-1993)
§ 151.999 PENALTY.
   Any person who demolishes or removes a structure listed on the local register of historic places without following the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of an ordinance violation. Each and every day, up to 90 days, the demolition and removal activity continues after notification shall constitute a separate offense.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-34) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986; Ord. 45-87, passed 6-22-1987)