(a)   Upon all streets except upon one-way streets, the driver of a vehicle shall drive the vehicle upon the right half of the street and shall drive a slow-moving vehicle as closely as possible to the right-hand edge or curb of a street, unless it is impracticable to travel on that side of the street, and except when overtaking and passing another vehicle subject to the limitations applicable to overtaking and passing set forth in this chapter.
   (b)   The provisions of division (a) above shall not be deemed to prevent the marking of lanes for traffic upon any street and the allocation of designated lanes to traffic moving in a particular direction or at designated speeds.
   (c)   Any person driving a bicycle or e-bicycle upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic shall ride in the right-hand lane, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   If the right-hand lane then available for traffic is a standard lane width and clear of obstructions such that it may be shared with overtaking vehicles, a bicyclist or e-bicyclist shall ride as far to the right as allows the bicyclist or e-bicyclist safe operating conditions;
      (2)    If the right-hand lane then available for traffic is a substandard lane width and/or includes obstructions that it may not be shared with overtaking vehicles, a bicyclist or e-bicyclist may ride in the middle of the right-hand lane to indicate to vehicles behind the bicyclist or e-bicyclist that passing within the same lane is not safe; or
      (3)   When bicycle lanes are included within a street and upon approaching an intersection where right turns are permitted and there is a dedicated right-turn lane, a bicyclist or e-bicyclist may ride on the left hand portion of the dedicated right-turn lane even if the bicyclist or e-bicyclist does not intend to turn.
   (d)    A person driving a bicycle or e-bicycle upon a one-way roadway with two or more marked traffic lanes at less than the normal speed of traffic with two or more marked traffic lanes may ride in the left-hand lane, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)    If the left-hand lane then available for traffic is wide enough and clear of obstructions that it may be shared with overtaking vehicles, a bicyclist or e-bicyclist shall ride as far to the left as allows the bicyclist or e-bicyclist safe operating conditions; and
      (2)   If the left-hand lane then available for traffic is not wide enough or clear of obstructions that it may not be shared with overtaking vehicles, a bicyclist or e-bicyclist may ride in the middle of the left-hand lane to indicate to the vehicle behind the bicyclist or e-bicyclist that passing within the same lane is not safe.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.121; 1992 Code, § 40-77) (Ord. 28-83, passed 5-2-1983; Ord. 46-12, passed 7-10-2012; Ord. 66-19, passed 6-18-2019)
   Bicycles, see ch. 81
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see SDCL 32-26-1