   (A)   License required. It shall be unlawful for any contractor to do any work or agree to do any work described in § 4-4-1 on or in any residential property without first obtaining from the town a valid contractor’s license, hereinafter referred to as “license” to do such work, and to pay the required license fees required by this chapter. A license will be issued to any qualified contractor who makes proper application and pays the required fee.
   (B)   Payment of fee.
      (1)   The town may require such license fee to be paid by cash, and in the event such fee is paid by check and said check is not paid by the bank on which it is drawn, or said check is returned to the town for the reason that the payor does not have an account with the bank, the license shall be considered void and the contractor shall be subject to the penalty provided in this chapter the same as if he or she had never made application for a license and the license was never issued.
      (2)   Each contractor shall pay a fee in the amount as set by resolution of the Town Council and the current fee schedule is available at the office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer.
   (C)   Licensing exception; subcontractors. Except as provided in §§ 4-4-3 and 4-4-4, any person having a general building contractor’s license shall not be required to secure an additional license for the performance of work described in § 4-4-1. Any person doing business as a subcontractor shall be construed as engaged in the business of building contractor for which a license is required by this chapter.
   (D)   Term of license. Every license shall expire and be null and void one year from the date of issuance.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-2) (Ord. 320, passed 6-17-1999; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024) Penalty, see § 4-4-8
   (A)   Contents of application. Application for license shall be made in writing to the town office and shall state:
      (1)   Name;
      (2)   Business address;
      (3)   Residence address;
      (4)   Social Security number or IRS identification number;
      (5)   Type of work to be performed under the license;
      (6)   How long engaged in such work and whether full-time or part-time;
      (7)   Business and residence telephone numbers;
      (8)   Describe other licenses issued to the contractor by any other political subdivision or state within the past two years; and
      (9)   Detailed description of all liens, lawsuits, and causes of action which have been filed against the contractor or any property upon which the contractor performed any work within the past two years.
   (B)   Issuance; restrictions. The Town Clerk-Treasurer may issue the license, provided all of the information in division (A) above is provided, the contractor has been in business two years, and provided no liens or lawsuits have been filed against the contractor or any property on which the contractor performed any work within the past two years.
   (C)   Referring to Council for approval; security or bond.
      (1)   If any lien or lawsuit has been filed as stated in this section, or the contractor has not been in business two years, then the application shall be referred to the governing body of the town for approval before such license is issued and before approval.
      (2)   The governing body may require such security or bond as it deems necessary before issuing such license.
   (D)   Verify authority of applicant. The application for a contractor’s license shall be made by the applicant or officer or agent of the applicant, who shall verify by written document that he or she has authority to make the application.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-3)
   No person shall be issued a license to do plumbing work in the town unless he or she shall have first been fully accredited to receive a plumber’s license from the City of Rawlins, so long as the City of Rawlins has such licenses.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-4)
   It shall be the duty of all building constructors to comply with all ordinances relating to the construction and repair of buildings or other structures, to the construction of streets or sidewalk pavements, and all laws or ordinances pertaining to or regulating the activities in which engaged.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-5) Penalty, see § 4-4-8
   The town shall not be held liable for any work which shall be performed by a contractor or vendor performing work.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-6)
   Any building contractor license may be revoked by the town for repeated violations of any ordinance relating to the construction, alteration, or repair of buildings, or any aspect of construction work as outlined in this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-7)
§ 4-4-8 PENALTY.
   Any person, contractor, firm, or corporation which violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to penalty as provided in § 1-4-1. Each day any violation of any provision of this chapter continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-8)