11-4-1 Use and density schedules
11-4-2 Listing of uses
11-4-3 Uses permitted in R One-Family Residential District
11-4-4 Uses permitted in B Business District
11-4-5 Uses permitted in CI Commercial and Industrial District
11-4-6 Uses permitted in O District
11-4-7 Density schedule for R District
11-4-8 Density schedule for B and CI Districts
The schedules of regulations in this chapter applying to the use of the land, and the use, lot area, lot width, height, yards, setback, and floor area of land and about buildings, and all other matters contained in this title, as indicated for the various districts established by this title, are hereby adopted and declared to be a part of this title and may be amended in the same manner as any other part of this title.
(Prior Code, § 11-4-1)
The listing of any use in the schedule as being permitted in any particular district shall be deemed to be an exclusion of such use from a more restricted district, unless such use is specifically permitted in the more restricted district under the language set forth in the schedule.
(Prior Code, § 11-4-2)
The following uses are permitted in the R One-Family Residential District:
(A) Accessory buildings and uses;
(B) Churches and church schools, provided no such building shall be closer than 15 feet to any residential property line;
(C) Municipal buildings and uses;
(D) One-family and multi-family dwellings, not to exceed two stories;
(E) Public parks, playgrounds, libraries, museums, and other municipal recreation facilities;
(F) Public schools for elementary and high school education; and
(G) Public utility mains, lines, and substations where no public office or no repair or storage facilities are maintained.
(Prior Code, § 11-4-3) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)
The following uses are permitted in the B Business District:
(A) All uses permitted in the R district as stated therefor;
(B) Places for the conduct of any limited business, such as the following; provided, that all such uses are operated primarily within an enclosed building, that traffic hazards are minimized, that lights are directed away from adjoining residential areas, that off street loading areas are available as needed, and that, in general, no dust, smoke, fumes, gas, noxious odor, excessive noise, or other atmospheric effluent shall be disseminated beyond the boundaries of the B District. Questions concerning the interpretation of environmental influences shall be decided by the Town Council based on the intent and purpose of this title:
(1) Antique shops and art shops;
(2) Banks;
(3) Barbershops and beauty shops;
(4) Book and stationery stores;
(5) Bowling alleys;
(6) Clothing stores;
(7) Department stores;
(8) Drugstores;
(9) Dry goods and variety stores;
(10) Electrical and household appliance stores;
(11) Equipment and supply stores;
(12) Florists;
(13) Furniture stores;
(14) Gift shops;
(15) Grocery stores;
(16) Hardware stores;
(17) Hotels and motels;
(18) Jewelry and craft shops;
(19) Membership clubs;
(20) Mobile home communities;
(21) Music, radio, and television stores;
(22) Office supply stores;
(23) Offices;
(24) Package liquor stores;
(25) Paint stores;
(26) Photographic studios;
(27) Private schools;
(28) Shoe stores;
(29) Sporting and athletic goods stores;
(30) Theater, indoor only;
(31) Tourist homes;
(32) Toy stores;
(33) Travel bureaus; and
(34) Watch repairs.
(C) Places including membership clubs, serving food and beverages for consumption inside of an enclosed building; provided, alcoholic beverages shall only be served in the B District in conjunction with such places having a capacity for food service; and
(D) Places for the conduct of any general business, such as the following:
(1) Automobile sales, repair, and used car lots;
(2) Bakeries, primarily for retail sales on the premises;
(3) Builders’ supply yards and lumberyards;
(4) Cleaning and dyeing establishments;
(5) Frozen food lockers;
(6) Places of amusement or recreation; and
(7) Places serving alcoholic beverages.
(Prior Code, § 11-4-4) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)