(A)   Acts described. 
      (1)   A person shall be guilty of disorderly conduct if he or she wilfully or intentionally is guilty of any of the following:
         (a)   Commits an act in a violent and tumultuous manner toward another whereby the person or property of any person is placed in danger of being injured, destroyed, or damaged;
         (b)   Causes, provokes, or engages in any fight, brawl, or riotous conduct which would reasonably result in endangering the life, limb, health, or property of another;
         (c)   Incites, attempts to incite, or is involved in attempting to incite a riot;
         (d)   Obstructs, either singly or together with other persons, the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic and refuses to clear such public way when ordered to do so by the police or other lawful authority;
         (e)   Fails to obey a lawful order to disperse by a police officer, where one or more persons are committing acts of disorderly conduct in the immediate vicinity, and public health and safety is immediately threatened;
         (f)   Resists or obstructs the performance of duties by police or any other authorized official of the town;
         (g)   Harasses or annoys another person by:
            1.   Subjecting the other person to offensive physical contact;
            2.   Publicly insulting the other person by abusive words or gestures in a manner intended and likely to provoke a violent response; or
            3. Publicly insulting the other person by abusive words or gestures in a manner intended or likely to provoke a violent response.
         (h)   Subjects another to alarm by conveying a telephonic or written threat to inflict serious physical injury on that person, or to commit a felony involving the person or property of that person or any member of that person’s household, which threat reasonably would be expected to cause alarm;
         (i)   Harasses or annoys another by causing the telephone of the other person to ring without the caller having a legitimate communicative purpose; and/or
         (j)   Communicates with another person, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, mail, or other form of oral, written, or electronic communication, in a manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm which serves no legitimate purpose.
      (2)   A person is criminally liable under this section if the person knowingly permits a telephone under the person’s control to be used in violation of divisions (A)(1)(i), through (A)(1)(j) above if sufficient proof is established that the telephone call was either received or made within the jurisdictional boundaries of the town.
   (B)   Disorderly conduct prohibited. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of § 1-4-1.
(Prior Code, § 6-4A-2) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)