Except for a pickup truck or comparably sized van parked in a parking zone and being used at the time solely for passenger purposes, no person shall park a commercial truck (which includes a van), with or without a trailer, upon the streets or public ways within the limits of the Village unless:
   (a)   The truck is actively engaged in commerce at that time at a point as near as possible to the parked truck, and
   (b)   The truck utilizes an orange traffic cone to the front and rear of the truck (and trailer), or utilizes a flashing, oscillating, or strobe light or some other electronic signaling device to the rear of the truck (and trailer), and
   (c)   When the truck is so parked that it is not readily observable by oncoming traffic from a distance of 100 feet, a readily observable warning sign or device is placed 100 feet from the vehicle in the direction of such on-coming traffic, and
   (d)   The truck is parked in a parking zone, unless permission is granted by Chief of Police to park in a no parking zone as defined in this Code.
   When trucks (and trailers) are parked together in a column, the warning devices described above may be placed only at the front and back of the column.
(Ord. 71-2012. Passed 11-5-12.)