   (a)   The Planning Commission shall have the power to review building plans, landscape plans, and sign applications referred to it by the Building Inspector, Zoning Inspector or Council.
   (b)   The Building and Zoning Inspectors shall review all documents submitted for a building permit and the applicant shall satisfy the Inspectors that the documents comply with the requirements hereinafter defined and with all other ordinances of the Municipality that have application to the issuance of building permits. The Building and Zoning Inspectors shall reject any application that does not conform to these requirements. If the application is acceptable to the Building and Zoning Inspectors, the Commission shall review such application at a public meeting within twenty-one days of its receipt by the Chairman. Where field inspections or detailed reviews are necessary, an application may be tabled for up to twenty-one days; where other unusual circumstances dictate, additional time may be taken by the Commission upon notice to the applicant. Within seven days subsequent to its decision, the Commission shall report in writing to the Building and Zoning Inspectors its actions together with the reasons therefor. Such actions shall consist of an “approval”, “disapproval”, or “conditional approval” based on stipulated revisions. If the Commission is notified by the property owner in writing within thirty days of objections to the stipulated revisions of a conditional approval, the Commission shall again review the application and issue either an unqualified “approval” or “disapproval” within thirty days from the receipt of such letter by the Chairman. The Building and Zoning Inspectors shall then date and stamp the application as “approved” or “disapproved”, advising the applicant in writing in the latter case, of the reasons for such disapproval.
(Ord. 13-1997. Passed 3-17-97.)
   (a)   No residential, or commercial building permit shall be issued unless the applicant establishes for the Commission that:
(1)   The applicant has complied with Sections 1151.04 and 1151.05 and the proposed structure is in compliance with subsection (b) hereof;
(2)   The exterior architectural character and functional plan of the proposed structure, when erected, will not be at such variance with existing structures, or structures currently being built, in the immediate neighborhood or zoning district as to cause substantial depreciation in the property values of existing structures or structures currently being built;
(3)   The site utilization and orientation of the proposed structure are reasonably integrated with existing roads, drives, vehicular traffic patterns and pedestrian walkways abutting the property upon which the proposed structure is to be built; and
(4)   The proposed structure does not violate the “look-alike” provisions of subsection (b) hereof.
   (b)   No building permit shall be issued in any residential district for an application to erect, construct, alter or remodel any building or structure which shall be alike or substantially like any neighboring structure, hereinbefore defined, then in existence or for which a building permit has been issued. The Commission shall approve such application unless the applicant fails to establish that no more than two of the following exist with respect to any such neighboring structure:
(1)   The roof style of the proposed construction is similar to the structure it resembles;
(2)   The roof pitch of the proposed construction is less than three vertical units in twelve from the structure it resembles;
(3)   More than half of the exterior surface materials of the proposed structure are the same as the structure it resembles;
(4)   The relative location of an attached garage, porch, portico, breezeway, gable or other major design feature attached to the proposed structure is similar to the structure it resembles; or
(5)   The relative location of entry doors, windows, shutters or chimneys in the proposed construction is similar to the structure it resembles.
         (Ord. 13-1997. Passed 3-17-97.)
   Each application for a building permit shall be submitted to the Planning Commission with documents which shall include and conform to the following requirements for architectural review:
(a)   There shall be a site plan or plot plan showing the plot configuration and its perimeter dimensions with property lines and pin locations, all structures on the site with locating dimensions, the location of all structures adjacent to the site within fifty feet of the property line, and all vehicular drives, roads, related parking areas, main walks, walls, fences and major existing landscaping. In addition, locations and names of adjacent streets, a north arrow, the first floor level and existing and finished grade elevations at each corner of new construction and at each corner of the site shall be indicated.
(b)   Four elevations shall be shown, including a front, rear and two side elevations, together with additional view or cross-sections, if necessary, to completely indicate the exterior appearance of the structures. All elevations shall be drawn to the same scale, which shall not be less than one-quarter of an inch to the foot, except that the front elevation may be drawn to a larger scale. Each elevation shall show the accurate location of windows, doors, shutters, chimneys, porches and other architectural features, all materials and finishes, and an accurate finish grade line.
(c)   There shall be a completely dimensioned floor plan of each level of the construction, drawn to the same scale as the front elevations.
(d)   Additional details to show unusual construction shall be included.
      (Ord. 13-1997. Passed 3-17-97.)
   When requested by official action of the Planning Commission, the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to employ a qualified, licensed architect to consult with and assist the Commission on any and all matters set forth in this chapter. Such consultations and assistance shall be strictly advisory and the Commission will not be bound by the architect’s recommendations or opinion.
(Ord. 13-1997. Passed 3-17-97.)
   1151.07 APPEALS.
   An appeal to Council may be taken by any person aggrieved, or by any officer of the Municipality affected, by any decision of the Planning Commission which applies or interprets these architectural regulations. Such appeal shall be taken within ten days after the decision has been filed with the Clerk of Council, by filing with the Clerk and with the Planning Commission, a notice of appeal specifying the grounds therefor. The Secretary of the Planning Commission shall forthwith transmit to the Clerk all papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed was taken. Council shall consider the appeal at the meeting next following receipt of the appeal by the Clerk.
(Ord. 13-1997. Passed 3-17-97.)