(a)   No residential, or commercial building permit shall be issued unless the applicant establishes for the Commission that:
(1)   The applicant has complied with Sections 1151.04 and 1151.05 and the proposed structure is in compliance with subsection (b) hereof;
(2)   The exterior architectural character and functional plan of the proposed structure, when erected, will not be at such variance with existing structures, or structures currently being built, in the immediate neighborhood or zoning district as to cause substantial depreciation in the property values of existing structures or structures currently being built;
(3)   The site utilization and orientation of the proposed structure are reasonably integrated with existing roads, drives, vehicular traffic patterns and pedestrian walkways abutting the property upon which the proposed structure is to be built; and
(4)   The proposed structure does not violate the “look-alike” provisions of subsection (b) hereof.
   (b)   No building permit shall be issued in any residential district for an application to erect, construct, alter or remodel any building or structure which shall be alike or substantially like any neighboring structure, hereinbefore defined, then in existence or for which a building permit has been issued. The Commission shall approve such application unless the applicant fails to establish that no more than two of the following exist with respect to any such neighboring structure:
(1)   The roof style of the proposed construction is similar to the structure it resembles;
(2)   The roof pitch of the proposed construction is less than three vertical units in twelve from the structure it resembles;
(3)   More than half of the exterior surface materials of the proposed structure are the same as the structure it resembles;
(4)   The relative location of an attached garage, porch, portico, breezeway, gable or other major design feature attached to the proposed structure is similar to the structure it resembles; or
(5)   The relative location of entry doors, windows, shutters or chimneys in the proposed construction is similar to the structure it resembles.
         (Ord. 13-1997. Passed 3-17-97.)