1492.01   Installation, repair, etc.; permit required; exception.
1492.02   Permit application.
1492.03   Permit fees.
1492.04   Identification of electrical devices and equipment.
1492.05   Notice when installation complete; inspection.
1492.06   Technical requirements for installations.
1492.99   Penalty.
   Antennas as obstructions of air traffic -see R.S.N. §§ 3-401 et seq.
   No person shall install, repair or maintain, either as an owner or an agent, servant or employee of an owner, or as an independent contractor for an owner, or otherwise, an outside television antenna or any addition to, or substitution for, such antenna, unless and until an inspection permit has been obtained from the City Inspector. Minor repairs to antennas may be made without the necessity of a permit, provided that a prompt report thereof is made to the City Inspector showing the extent thereof. Should an investigation of such minor repairs by the City Inspector disclose defeats, the same shall be pointed out and corrected as required by Section 1490.02.
(Ord. 4?7. Passed 12-28-53.)
   Application for a permit required by Section 1492.01 shall be made upon blanks provided by the City Inspector and shall contain or have attached thereto the following information:
   (a)   The name, address and telephone number of the owner for whom the installation, repair or maintenance is to be made;
   (b)   Whether a new installation or repair or maintenance work is involved;
   (c)   Whether or not a television receiving antenna is involved;
   (d)   The names of the persons making the installation; and
   (e)   Such other information as the City Inspector shall require to show full compliance with this Television Cods and all other laws and ordinances of the City.
(Ord. 477. Passed 12-28-53.)
1492.03 PERMIT FEES.
   An inspection fee of one dollar ($1.00) shall be paid for each permit issued under this chapter. A reinspection fee of fifty cents ($.50) shall be paid for each trip when extra inspections are necessary due to any one of the following reasons:
   (a)   A wrong address;
   (b)   Condemned work resulting from faulty construction;
   (c)   Repairs or corrections not made when inspection is called; or
   (d)   Work not ready for inspection when called.
(Ord. 477. Passed 12-28-53.)
   The maker's name, trademark or other identification symbol shall be placed on all electrical devices or equipment designed for attachment to, or installation of, any electrical circuit or system for television antennas, which devices or equipment use 115 volts or more and are sold, offered for sale or use or used in the City. These markings and others such as voltage, amperage, wattage and power-factor or appropriate ratings described in the National Electrical Code, as adopted in Section 1460.01, shall be required, and are necessary to determine the character of the materials, device or equipment and the use for which they are intended.
(Ord. 477. Passed 12-28-53.)
   The person to whom a permit has been granted for the installation of a television antenna shall immediately notify the City Inspector when the work covered by the permit has been completed and is ready for final inspection. Upon such notice, the City Inspector or his authorized representative shall inspect and approve the installation, within twenty-four hours, if the work complies in all respects with the provisions of this Television Code and the permit, and shall disapprove such installation, within twenty-four hours, if it fails to comply, stating in writing the reasons for disapproval and specifying a time within which the defects must be corrected. A reinspection shall be made after notice to the City Inspector that the defects have been corrected.