EDITOR'S NOTE: The City contracts with K N Energy, Inc., for natural gas service and establishes maximum rates from time to time by ordinance. Copies of the latest relevant legislation may be obtained from the Clerk-Treasurer.
Except for Section 1046.08 (now Section 1046.07), this chapter was repealed and re-enacted by Ordinance 1379, passed March 10, 1998.
Ordinance 1374, passed February 10, 1998, authorized and directed participation by the City in the Public Alliance for Community Energy (P.A.C.E.) for acquisition and supply of energy.
1046.01   Adjustment of rates; effective period.
1046.02   Unrecovered FERC Account 191 charge.
1046.03   Other gas supply charges.
1046.04   Discounting.
1046.05   Gas supply choice; participation of suppliers; no special preference; Municipal Oversight Committee; right of City to revise.
1046.06   Confidentiality of records.
1046.07   Rate filing fee.
1046.08   Natural gas rates; customer charge for taxes imposed on Company.
   Transportation and storage - see R.S.N. § 16-227
   Public utilities - see R.S.N. §§ 16-673 et seq.
   Natural gas distribution system - see R.S.N. § 16-686.01
   Gas plant - see R.S.N. § 16-6, 101
   Trenches for gas lines - see S.U. & P.S. 1028.03
   Gas Code - see B. & H. Ch. 1480 et seq.