When trees or other planting is required as provided herein, the following specifications shall apply:
A. Tree Species; Number: Only those trees listed on the village approved tree list shall be permitted on public property; all other species are prohibited; provided, however, that no street trees other than those species as provided in subsection A2 of this section may be planted under or within ten (10) lateral feet of any overhead utility wire. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the tree official contingent upon specific planting conditions and species of trees when it is determined that there exists adequate protection of the public and of property. No one tree species should comprise more than ten percent (10%) of the total number of trees to be planted. No identical tree species shall be planted adjacent to one another or directly across the street from one another.
1. Approved Species For Planting In Parkways, Street Right Of Way Areas, And When Overhead Utility Lines Are Present: The village shall provide a list of acceptable parkway tree species, which shall be reviewed and revised annually based on diversity needs of the community, disease and infestations, land use development trends and arborist recommendations. A copy of the current list shall be held in the office of the village clerk, community development department and on the village website.
2. Substitution Of Species: Additional tree species for use in the parkway and street right of way areas may be reviewed by the village tree official upon written request. The village reserves the right to deny any such request if said substitution is deemed unfit for planting in the parkways.
3. Overplanted Tree Species: The village reserves the right to require the provision of substitute trees even though proposed tree species are included in the above mentioned approved tree species list. The village tree official may require the use of substitute trees to reduce the number of overplanted tree species and increase the number of underplanted tree species within the village.
B. Tree Size: Trees will be a minimum of two and one-half inch (21/2") caliper as measured six inches (6") above finished grade.
C. Tree Location: The planting location must have acceptable clearance around utilities and a safe line of sight at intersection. The distance from the curb and sidewalk will be determined by the tree official. Parkway trees shall have a minimum planting distance of ten feet (10') from water service, sanitary sewer service and hydrants, and thirty feet (30') from a traffic control device and streetlight. Parkway trees to be planted on corner lots or near intersections shall comply with the standard set forth in section 10-3-14, "Visibility On Corner Lots", of this code.
In parkways of less than five feet (5') in width or the bulb of cul-de-sacs, parkway trees shall be planted on the private property in the front or corner front/rear yards a minimum of ten feet (10') from the sidewalk, bicycle path, and/or driveway. If a conflict occurs, which would prohibit the planting of a required tree in the parkway, the tree may be planted on private property with the approval of the village.
D. Number Of Parkway Trees Per Lot:
1. Residential: For lots ninety nine feet (99') wide and less, there shall be a minimum of one tree per lot except corner lots, where two (2) trees shall be provided, one on each frontage. For lots one hundred feet (100') wide or greater, there shall be a minimum of two (2) trees per lot except corner lots, where four (4) trees shall be provided, two (2) on each frontage of one hundred feet (100') wide or greater. All trees shall be planted a minimum distance apart of fifty feet (50').
2. Common areas, open spaces and nonresidential: Parkway trees shall be spaced at one for every fifty feet (50') of frontage.
E. Topping: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or village department to top any street tree or other tree on public property. Trees severely damaged by storms or other causes, trees obstructing or interfering with the visibility or flow of traffic, or certain trees under utility wires or other obstructions where other pruning practices are impractical should be removed and replaced with a tree from the acceptable species list appropriate for that location with consent of the tree official.
F. Removal And Replacement: As provided in section 4-7-3 of this chapter, a permit is required for removal of any tree on public property. Should a parkway tree die or be deemed a hazard due to damage or disease it is the responsibility of the homeowner to replace said tree with a tree meeting the specifications of this section.
G. Planting: The species tag shall be left on the trees planted to meet the requirements of this chapter until such time as a final inspection of said tree has been completed. (Ord. 15-1767, 2-10-2015)