General Provisions
91.01 Cruelty to animals
91.02 Nuisance conditions prohibited
91.03 Barking and howling dogs
91.04 Hunting prohibited
91.05 Keeping hogs restricted
91.06 Animals at large
91.07 Livestock
91.20 “Dog” defined
91.21 Annual head tax imposed
91.22 Running at large prohibited; leash required
91.23 Impoundment; notice; redemption; costs
91.24 Unclaimed impounded dogs
91.25 Rabid dogs
91.99 Penalty
Offenses Against Public Peace, see Ch. 133
Offenses Against Public Safety, see Ch. 134
Property maintenance; quarantine, see § 90.01
Statutory reference:
Authority to regulate the keeping of animals, see W.Va. Code § 8-12-5(26)
Authority to prevent ill-treatment of animals, see W.Va. Code § 8-12-5(27)
Diseases among domestic animals, see W.Va. Code Art. 19-9
Disposing of dead animals, see W.Va. Code § 16-9-3
Dogs generally, see W.Va. Code Art. 19-20
Domestic animal tax, see W.Va. Code § 8-13-10
Hunting, see W.Va. Code Art. 20-2
Vaccination of dogs, see W.Va. Code Art. 19-20A