All new streets and all work to be undertaken thereon shall be constructed according to the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction adopted and amended by the Illinois Department of Transportation and the related Highway Standards, all of which are in effect at the time the development is being constructed, except as provided herein. In case of conflict, the most stringent shall apply.
(A) All streets shall be bounded by integral concrete curb and/or curb and gutter in conformity with the current State of Illinois Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction; provided that, this requirement may be waived in the case of county and state roads with adequate shoulders. The Planning Commission and the village staff may also recommend the type and size of curb and/or curb and gutter to be utilized.
(B) Curb and/or curb and gutter may be constructed either integrally or separately in conjunction with portland cement concrete pavement. If constructed separately, the gutter flag shall be "tied" to P.C.C. pavement with 30-inch long #4 reinforcing bars spaced at 30-inch centers.
(C) (1) Any curb and/or curb and gutter constructed on any development and/or site improvement shall conform to at least the current I.D.O.T. standards except as described in division (C)(2) below.
(2) In rare instances, the Board may consider decorative only landscape curb on private property parking lots. The decorative landscape curb shall only be considered under the following conditions:
(a) Shown on site and landscape plans and approved by the Village Board;
(b) Curb does not direct, channel, funnel or provide a travel way for storm water either in front or in back of the curb;
(c) The site is for professional office use only where less than 50% of the business's clients and/or customers use the service provided by coming to the site. If the site would cease being used for professional office space as described above, the property owner will modify the curb to conform to that required as a result of the new use at owner's expense before an occupancy permit will be issued;
(d) Decorative landscape curb can not be used along driveways, entrances or aisles;
(e) Concrete fiber reinforcement shall be used and shall consist of 100% virgin polypropylene, fibrillated fibers, specifically manufactured to the optimum gradation for use as concrete secondary reinforcement. Volume of reinforcement shall be a minimum of one and one-half pounds per cubic yard of concrete and equal to fiber mesh;
(f) All decorative landscape curb shall be sealed to prevent moisture penetration. Contractor to follow all manufacturer's recommendations for product used;
(g) In no case shall the installation of the curb reduce the ordinance-required parking stall, aisle size or the requirements of § 151.147; and
(h) If the decorative landscape falls into disrepair, in the opinion of the Village Engineer, the landowner will then be subject to sanctions for violation of § 91.01 of this Code. By way of example, but not limitation, disrepair shall be unsealed cracks, fragmentation of curb, movement from design location in any direction, dislocated pieces or missing pieces.
Sidewalks; pedestrian; bikeways, see § 151.291
Similar provisions, see Appendix A
All streets shall be paved at least as indicated below; provided that, the following standards are minimums and the Planning Commission and the village staff depending on engineering and traffic volume considerations may recommend higher levels of structural pavement design based upon recognized engineering standards.
Minimum Requirements for Structural Composition of Subdivision Pavements | ||
Street Classification | Rigid Pavements | Bituminous Concrete Pavement |
Minimum Requirements for Structural Composition of Subdivision Pavements | ||
Street Classification | Rigid Pavements | Bituminous Concrete Pavement |
Local residential | 6-inch P.C.C. pavement (15-footjoints) | 2" Bituminous Concrete Surface Class I, Mix C, Type 2 |
On 12-inch lime modified sub-grade | 2" Bituminous Concrete Binder, Class I, Type 2 | |
12" Stabilized Subgrade | ||
Residential collector | 8-inch P.C.C. pavement (15-foot reinforced joints) | 2" Bituminous Concrete Surface Class I, Mix C, Type 2 |
On 12-inch lime modified sub-grade | 5" Bituminous Concrete Binder, Class I, Type 2 | |
OR | 12" Stabilized Subgrade | |
6-inch S.R.P.C.C. pavement (15-foot reinforced joints) | ||
On 12-inch lime modified sub-grade | ||
Local commercial | 8-inch P.C.C. pavement (15-foot reinforced joints) | 2" Bituminous Concrete Surface Class I, Mix C, Type 2 |
On 12-inch lime modified sub-grade | 9" Bituminous Concrete Binder, Class I, Type 2 | |
OR | 12" Stabilized Subgrade | |
6-inch S.R.P.C.C. pavement (15-foot reinforced joints) | ||
On 12-inch lime modified sub-grade | ||
Collector commercial | 10-inch P.C.C. pavements with 15-foot reinforced joints | 2" Bituminous Concrete Surface Class I, Mix C, Type 2 |
On 12-inch lime modified sub-grade | 9" Bituminous Concrete Binder, Class I, Type 2 | |
OR | 12" Stabilized Subgrade | |
8-inch S.R.P.C.C. pavement (15-foot reinforced joints) | ||
On 12-inch lime modified sub-grade | ||
Notes to table: Abbreviation: S.R.P.C.C. Standard Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Pavement | ||
(Am. Ord. 2020-03-02A, passed 3-2-2020)
(A) Pavement structure. All streets shall be paved across the entire surface width specified herein. The structural composition of the pavement shall conform to the minimum requirements set forth herein unless higher standards are recommended by staff based upon recognized engineering standards. Design requirements for rigid and bituminous concrete pavements are set forth hereinafter.
(B) Rigid pavement. Rigid pavement shall be constructed to the thicknesses shown herein and in strict accordance with the applicable provisions of the Illinois Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
(1) All joints to be sealed after joints are cleaned.
(2) Contraction joints are to be provided at the spacings shown herein for each of the various alternates. These transverse joints are to be sawed joints that are one-eighth inches to one-fourth inches wide with a depth equal to one-fourth of the pavement thickness. Sawed construction joints are to be cut at least within 24 hours of placement of the concrete. In all cases, joints must be cut before the concrete cracks or the entire panel shall be removed and replaced at the contractor's expense. Joints requiring reinforcement shall be reinforced with 30-inch #4 deformed tie bars on 12-inch centers.
(3) (a) Expansion joints shall be located per Illinois Department of Transportation standards and as located by the developer's design engineer. Expansion Joints are to be dowelled. Dowel sizes and spacing shall comply with the following requirements:
Pavement Thickness | Min. Dowel Diameter | Min. Dowel Length | Min. Dowel Spacing
6" | 3/4" | 14" | 12" |
8" | 1" | 14" | 12" |
(b) The dowel units are to be smooth, plain round bars placed at mid-height of the pavement with an expansion cap on one end. The bars, or assemblies, shall be placed so that the bars are parallel to the centerline and to the pavement surface and shall be treated to prevent bonding of the concrete.
(4) (a) Longitudinal joints shall be constructed no closer than eight feet and no farther apart than 14 feet. The longitudinal joints may be either "construction" joints or "sawed" joints. In either case, there shall be transverse #4 deformed tie bars, 30 inches long, spaced at 30-inch centers along all longitudinal joints. This includes the joint between the pavement and curb/gutter if the curb/gutter is not constructed integral with the pavement.
(b) Sawed longitudinal joints shall be sawed within 24 hours of concrete placement and prior to any traffic or vehicles traveling on the surface or random cracks occurring in pavement. If a random crack occurs, the entire panel or panels will be removed and replaced. All joints to be sealed after the pavement is cleaned.
(5) Transverse construction joints shall be constructed at the end of each day's run or at locations where a "cold" joint will occur due to a delay or interruption in placement operations. All transverse construction joints shall be "tied" with #4 deformed bars, 35 inches long, spaced at 12-inch centers. Construction joints must be at least five feet from any other joint including another transverse construction joint. All joints to be sealed after joint is cleaned.
(6) (a) Pavement reinforcement shall be used in all rigid pavements designated as S.R.P.C.C. herein. Reinforcement shall be welded wire fabric (6" by 12") with W 4 wire transversely and W 5.5 wire longitudinally weighing approximately 54 pounds per 100 square feet. The fabric shall be lapped 12 inches on transverse laps and six inches on longitudinal laps. Reinforcement shall be placed on the sub-grade and supported by proper chairs and spacers, prior to paving, at the heights specified below:
Pavement Thickness | Depth Below Pavement Surface |
6" | 2" min, 3" max |
8" | 3" min, 4" max |
(b) Should a question arise whether the minimal standards are adequate for a given condition (i.e. traffic volume, size of loads, sub-grade support, drainage and the like), the required pavement design shall be determined by the subdivider's engineer on the basis of current pavement design procedures subject to the review of the village staff.
(7) Every concrete street, and curb and gutter constructed in the village shall have a compressive strength of 4,000 PSI at 28 days. The subdivider or developer shall provide to the village staff at no expense to the village, concrete tests verifying compressive strength. The number of the tests shall be determined by the village staff. The village staff shall also have the right to request other tests, including air entrainment and slump tests, as it deems necessary.
(C) Bituminous concrete pavement. Bituminous concrete pavement (asphalt pavement) shall be constructed to the thicknesses shown within § 151.272 and in strict accordance with the applicable provisions of the Illinois Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. All mix designs shall be approved by the City Engineer. The surface course on all original roadway construction and pavement widenings shall be comprised of only virgin materials.
(1) Should a question arise whether the minimal standards are adequate for a given condition (i.e. traffic volume, size of loads, sub-grade support, drainage and the like), the required pavement design shall be determined by the subdivider's engineer on the basis of current pavement design procedures subject to the review of the village staff.
(2) Every asphalt street shall be tested in accordance with ASTM and AASHTO standards by a testing firm that meets ASTM requirement E-329. Plant inspections are required with a minimum of 100 per tons per day completed during construction by the developer's/owner's testing firm. In-place density/thickness ASTM D1159, AASHTO T209, AASHTO T245 shall be completed by nuclear testing device at a minimum of every 200 feet per lane per lift, and one per cul-de-sac during construction by the developer's/owner's testing firm. Density/thickness ASTM D2726-96, AASHTO T164, ASTM Dl856-95, AASHTO T170, ASTM D2041-95 shall be completed by core testing. Two cores minimum per day (one core full testing with second core standby) shall be taken by the developer's/owner's testing firm. All results from material testing shall be submitted to the Village of Shiloh for review.
(Am. Ord. 2020-03-02A, passed 3-2-2020)
(A) Subsequent to completion of street construction by the developer, the village staff shall make a final inspection of all streets to ascertain the acceptability of structural condition, earth slopes, drainage structures and the like if the inspection indicates no deficient items, the village shall take formal action to accept the completed streets for maintenance.
(B) Should any item need correction or repair, the subdivider will be notified in writing of each deficiency. No street(s) will be accepted in a subdivision until all streets comply with the village requirements to the satisfaction of the village staff.
(C) Should the subdivider fail to properly correct any of the deficiencies, he or she shall be responsible for all maintenance, until such time as the streets are completely acceptable to the village. Under this situation, the subdivider's maintenance responsibility shall be construed to include, but not be limited to, regular mowing of the parkways; periodic cleaning of debris from the pavement and gutters; periodic cleaning of storm sewers and catch basins, snow plowing and the like. Should the subdivider fail to discharge any of these responsibilities, he or she will be notified to rectify the situation(s) by the village staff. Failure to take the necessary remedial action(s) within 30 calendar days after the notification may result in a fine not to exceed $500 with a similar such fine for every 14 calendar-day period beyond the initial 30 days during which the necessary repairs/maintenance activities are not completed.
(D) It should be noted, that regardless of whether or not the street(s) have been accepted by the village for maintenance, no occupancy permits shall be issued for any structure(s) until such time as the builder or developer has cleaned all debris and mud from the pavement, gutter, drainageways and the like in the nearby vicinity of the subject structure.