General Provisions
   91.01   Park area goal
   91.02   Funding
   91.03   Prohibited acts
   91.04   Group activities
   91.05   Curfew
Three Springs Park
   91.10   Fishing Regulations
   (A)   In order to enhance the quality of life of its residents and respond to the survey of same on parks and recreational facilities, the village staff hereby establishes as the village goal for park area, the statewide average of 8.25 acres per 1,000 residents.
   (B)   To achieve this goal, village staff shall endeavor to seek out properties conducive to open space/park activities for acquisition and development keeping in mind the future growth of the village.
   (C)   A playground and recreation system for the village is hereby created and shall hereafter he maintained and operated as hereinafter set forth.
§ 91.02 FUNDING.
   Revenues generated from the gas/electricity utility tax are to be allocated for street lights and acquisition or improvement of the park(s) by the village.
   Taxation; revenue, see Chapter 33
   (A)   Damage to or destruction of village park property, grounds and resources is prohibited.
   (B)   No person shall practice golf or hit any golf balls in any village park.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person to carry into or possess while in the village park(s) any glass bottle or glass container.
   (D)   Cutting of trees or firewood, open fires or burning is prohibited in the village park(s) except when permitted and where so designated by the village.
   (E)   Hunting or trapping with bow and arrows, BB guns, pellet guns or firearms is prohibited in the village park(s) except with special permission from the village.
   (F)   It shall be unlawful for any person to bring or have any animal in any village park at any time except for as follows.
      (1)   Animals shall be allowed in the village park(s) for the purpose of events authorized by the village.
      (2)   When accompanied by its master, a service animal for the physically challenged shall be allowed in village park(s) subject to defecation control.
   (G)   Camping or overnight trailers is prohibited except with special permission from the village.
   (H)   No person shall park or operate any motor vehicle in any place within the village park(s) other than in those places designated by the village.
   (I)   No person shall travel on the streets within the village park(s) when the streets are so posted and barricaded by the village.
Penalty, see § 10.99