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§ 151.251 CURVES.
   (A)   Where there is curvilinear horizontal alignment utilized for subdivision streets, the minimum centerline radius to be used shall be as indicated below.
Land access/local streets
100 feet
Collector street
150 feet
Arterial street
301.56 feet, dc = 19° 00' 00"
   (B)   If reverse curves are utilized and the radii are less than 300 feet, a tangent at least 100 feet long should be introduced between the curves on collector streets and arterial streets.
   (A)   Whenever any subdivision abuts an existing street that is narrower than the standards indicated in Street Design Specifications, sufficient right-of-way shall be dedicated on the side abutting the subdivision to permit compliance with those standards at some future date.
   (B)   Existing streets within a subdivision shall be improved to the standards imposed in this subchapter and §§ 151.270 through 151.274 at the developer's expense.
   (A)   When right-of-way must be dedicated.
      (1)   The subdivider shall dedicate at least the minimum right-of-way indicated herein whenever he or she proposes to build any of the listed streets.
      (2)   Whenever the subdivider proposes to build any of the listed streets, he or she shall dedicate right-of-way in excess of the stated minimum where, in the village staff's professional opinion:
         (a)   Due to topography, additional width is necessary to provide adequate sight-lines; or
         (b)   Due to the location of streams, railroad tracks and the like, additional width is needed to construct bridges, underpasses and/or safe approaches thereto.
   (B)   When right-of-way must be reserved.
      (1)   The subdivider shall reserve right-of-way whenever a subdivision abuts an existing street that does not meet the standards set forth herein.
      (2)   The subdivider shall reserve sufficient right-of-way along the side of the street abutting the subdivision so that, when additional right-of-way is acquired on the other side, it will be possible to comply with the standards.
   (C)   Right-of-way not part of minimum setback. Any land that is dedicated or reserved for public rights-of-way shall not be counted in determining compliance with the lot size and setback requirements set forth in this Code.
   (A)   To create any private street, a variance must be granted by the village.
   (B)   To obtain such a variance, the subdivider must satisfactorily demonstrate that there is no current or potential public interest in the proposed private street.
   (C)   If a private street variance is granted, provisions shall be made for utility easements, sidewalks and bikeways that may be used by the public within the private street right-of-way unless waived by action of the Village Board of Trustees.
§ 151.270 GENERALLY.
   All new streets and all work to be undertaken thereon shall be constructed according to the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction adopted and amended by the Illinois Department of Transportation and the related Highway Standards, all of which are in effect at the time the development is being constructed, except as provided herein. In case of conflict, the most stringent shall apply.
   (A)   All streets shall be bounded by integral concrete curb and/or curb and gutter in conformity with the current State of Illinois Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction; provided that, this requirement may be waived in the case of county and state roads with adequate shoulders. The Planning Commission and the village staff may also recommend the type and size of curb and/or curb and gutter to be utilized.
   (B)   Curb and/or curb and gutter may be constructed either integrally or separately in conjunction with portland cement concrete pavement. If constructed separately, the gutter flag shall be "tied" to P.C.C. pavement with 30-inch long #4 reinforcing bars spaced at 30-inch centers.
   (C)   (1)   Any curb and/or curb and gutter constructed on any development and/or site improvement shall conform to at least the current I.D.O.T. standards except as described in division (C)(2) below.
      (2)   In rare instances, the Board may consider decorative only landscape curb on private property parking lots. The decorative landscape curb shall only be considered under the following conditions:
         (a)   Shown on site and landscape plans and approved by the Village Board;
         (b)   Curb does not direct, channel, funnel or provide a travel way for storm water either in front or in back of the curb;
         (c)   The site is for professional office use only where less than 50% of the business's clients and/or customers use the service provided by coming to the site. If the site would cease being used for professional office space as described above, the property owner will modify the curb to conform to that required as a result of the new use at owner's expense before an occupancy permit will be issued;
         (d)   Decorative landscape curb can not be used along driveways, entrances or aisles;
         (e)   Concrete fiber reinforcement shall be used and shall consist of 100% virgin polypropylene, fibrillated fibers, specifically manufactured to the optimum gradation for use as concrete secondary reinforcement. Volume of reinforcement shall be a minimum of one and one-half pounds per cubic yard of concrete and equal to fiber mesh;
         (f)   All decorative landscape curb shall be sealed to prevent moisture penetration. Contractor to follow all manufacturer's recommendations for product used;
         (g)   In no case shall the installation of the curb reduce the ordinance-required parking stall, aisle size or the requirements of § 151.147; and
         (h)   If the decorative landscape falls into disrepair, in the opinion of the Village Engineer, the landowner will then be subject to sanctions for violation of § 91.01 of this Code. By way of example, but not limitation, disrepair shall be unsealed cracks, fragmentation of curb, movement from design location in any direction, dislocated pieces or missing pieces.
   Sidewalks; pedestrian; bikeways, see § 151.291
   Similar provisions, see Appendix A