This subchapter establishes lot and structure requirements, design standards and use limitations for specific, potentially troublesome, structures and uses. These regulations apply in every zoning district where the specific structure or use is permitted or allowed by special use permit; but if more stringent regulations are applicable in any particular district, the regulations shall prevail.
(A) Purpose and scope.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish regulations, standards and procedures for the siting and collocation of small wireless facilities on rights-of-way within the village's jurisdiction, or outside the rights-of-way on property zoned by the village exclusively for commercial or industrial use, in a manner that is consistent with the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act of 2018 (the "Act").
(2) Conflicts with other ordinances. This section supersedes all ordinances or parts of ordinances adopted prior hereto that are in conflict herewith, to the extent of such conflict.
(3) Conflicts with state and federal laws. In the event that applicable federal or state laws or regulations conflict with the requirements of this section, the wireless provider shall comply with the requirements of this section to the maximum extent possible without violating federal or state laws or regulations.
(B) Definitions. For purposes of this section the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANTENNA. Communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio frequency signals used in the provision of wireless services.
APPLICABLE CODES. Uniform building, fire, electrical, plumbing, or mechanical codes adopted by a recognized national code organization or local amendments to those codes, including the National Electric Safety Code.
APPLICANT. Any person who submits an application and is a wireless provider.
APPLICATION. A request submitted by an applicant to the village for a permit to collocate small wireless facilities, and a request that includes the installation of a new utility pole for such collocation, as well as any applicable fee for the review of such application.
COLLOCATE or COLLOCATION. To install, mount, maintain, modify, operate, or replace wireless facilities on or adjacent to a wireless support structure or utility pole.
COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE. Cable service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. 522(6), as amended; information service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. 153(24),
as amended; telecommunications service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. 153(53), as amended; mobile service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. 153(53), as amended; or wireless service other than mobile service.
COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PROVIDER. A cable operator, as defined in 47 U.S.C. 522(5), as amended; a provider of information service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. 153(24), as amended; a telecommunications carrier, as defined in 47 U.S.C. 153(51), as amended; or a wireless provider.
FCC. The Federal Communications Commission of the United States.
FEE. A one-time charge.
HISTORIC DISTRICT or HISTORIC LANDMARK. A building, property, or site, or group of buildings, properties, or sites that are either:
(a) Listed in the National Register of Historic Places or formally determined eligible for listing by the Keeper of the National Register, the individual who has been delegated the authority by the federal agency to list properties and determine their eligibility for the National Register, in accordance with Section VI.D.1.a.i through Section VI.D.1.a.v of the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement codified at 47 CFR Part 1, Appendix C; or
(b) Designated as a locally landmarked building, property, site, or historic district by an ordinance adopted by the village pursuant to a preservation program that meets the requirements of the Certified Local Government Program of the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office or where such certification of the preservation program by the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office is pending.
LAW. A federal or state statute, common law, code, rule, regulation, order, or local ordinance or resolution.
MICRO WIRELESS FACILITY. A small wireless facility that is not larger in dimension than 24
inches in length, 15 inches in width, and 12 inches in height and that has an exterior antenna, if any, no longer than 11 inches.
MUNICIPAL UTILITY POLE. A utility pole owned or operated by the village in public rights-of-way.
PERMIT. A written authorization required by the village to perform an action or initiate, continue, or complete a project.
PERSON. An individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association, trust, or other entity or organization.
PUBLIC SAFETY AGENCY. The functional division of the federal government, the state, a unit of local government, or a special purpose district located in whole or in part within this state, that provides or has authority to provide firefighting, police, ambulance, medical, or other emergency services to respond to and manage emergency incidents.
RATE. A recurring charge.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. The area on, below, or above a public roadway, highway, street, public sidewalk, alley, or utility easement dedicated for compatible use. RIGHT-OF-WAY does not include village-owned aerial lines.
SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY. A wireless facility that meets both of the following qualifications:
(a) Each antenna is located inside an enclosure of no more than six cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of its exposed elements could fit within an imaginary enclosure of no more than six cubic feet; and
(b) All other wireless equipment attached directly to a utility pole associated with the facility is cumulatively no more than 25 cubic feet in volume. The following types of associated ancillary equipment are not included in the calculation of equipment volume: electric meter, concealment elements, telecommunications demarcation box, ground-based enclosures, grounding equipment, power transfer switch, cut-off switch, and vertical cable runs for the connection of power and other services.
UTILITY POLE. A pole or similar structure that is used in whole or in part by a communications service provider or for electric distribution, lighting, traffic control, or a similar function.
(a) Equipment at a fixed location that enables wireless communications between user equipment and a communications network, including:
1. Equipment associated with wireless communications; and
2. Radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiber-optic cable, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration.
(b) WIRELESS FACILITY includes small wireless facilities.
(c) WIRELESS FACILITY does not include:
1. The structure or improvements on, under, or within which the equipment is collocated; or
2. Wireline backhaul facilities, coaxial or fiber optic cable that is between wireless support structures or utility poles or coaxial, or fiber optic cable that is otherwise not immediately adjacent to or directly associated with an antenna.
WIRELESS INFRASTRUCTURE PROVIDER. Any person authorized to provide
telecommunications service in the state that builds or installs wireless communication transmission equipment, wireless facilities, wireless support structures, or utility poles and that is not a wireless services provider but is acting as an agent or a contractor for a wireless services provider for the application submitted to the village.
WIRELESS PROVIDER. A wireless infrastructure provider or a wireless services provider.
WIRELESS SERVICES. Any services provided to the general public, including a particular class of customers, and made available on a nondiscriminatory basis using licensed or unlicensed spectrum, whether at a fixed location or mobile, provided using wireless facilities.
WIRELESS SERVICES PROVIDER. A person who provides wireless services.
WIRELESS SUPPORT STRUCTURE. A freestanding structure, such as a monopole; tower, either guyed or self-supporting; billboard; or other existing or proposed structure designed to support or capable of supporting wireless facilities. WIRELESS SUPPORT STRUCTURE does not include a utility pole.
(C) Regulation of small wireless facility.
(1) Permitted use. Small wireless facilities shall be classified as permitted uses and subject to administrative review, except as provided in division (C)(3)(h) below, but not subject to zoning review or approval if they are collocated:
(a) In rights-of-way in any zoning district; or
(b) Outside rights-of-way in property zoned exclusively for commercial or industrial use.
(2) Permit required. An applicant shall obtain one or more permits from the village to collocate a small wireless facility. An application shall be received and processed, and permits issued shall be subject to the following conditions and requirements.
(a) Application requirements. Applicant shall complete the village's Small Cell Facilities Permit Application, which shall be in a form approved by the Village Administrator and the Village Attorney. A wireless provider shall provide the following information to the village, together with the village's Small Cell Facilities Permit Application, as a condition of any permit application to collocate small wireless facilities on a utility pole or wireless support structure:
1. Site specific structural integrity and, for a municipal utility pole, make-ready analysis prepared by a structural engineer, as that term is defined in Section 4 of the Structural Engineering Practice Act of 1989;
2. The location where each proposed small wireless facility or utility pole would be installed and photographs of the location and its immediate surroundings depicting the utility poles or structures on which each proposed small wireless facility would be mounted or location where utility poles or structures would be installed. This should include a depiction of the completed facility;
3. Specifications and drawings prepared by a structural engineer, as that term is defined in Section 4 of the Structural Engineering Practice Act of 1989, for each proposed small wireless facility covered by the application as it is proposed to be installed;
4. The equipment type and model numbers for the antennas and all other wireless equipment associated with the small wireless facility;
5. A proposed schedule for the installation and completion of each small wireless facility covered by the application, if approved; and
6. Certification that the collocation complies with the collocation requirements and conditions contained herein, to the best of the applicant's knowledge.
7. In the event that the proposed small wireless facility is to be attached to an existing pole owned by an entity other than the village, the wireless provider shall provide legally competent evidence of the consent of the owner of such pole to the proposed collocation.
(b) Application process. The village shall process applications as follows:
1. The first completed application shall have priority over applications received by different applicants for collocation on the same utility pole or wireless support structure.
2. a. An application to collocate a small wireless facility on an existing utility pole or wireless support structure, or replacement of an existing utility pole or wireless support structure shall be processed on a nondiscriminatory basis and may be deemed approved if the village fails to approve or deny the application within 90 days after the submission of a completed application.
b. However, if an applicant intends to proceed with the permitted activity on a deemed approved basis, the applicant shall notify the village in writing of its intention to invoke the deemed approved remedy no sooner than 75 days after the submission of a completed application.
c. The permit shall be deemed approved on the latter of the ninetieth day after submission of the complete application or the tenth day after the receipt of the deemed approved notice by the village. The receipt of the deemed approved notice shall not preclude the village's denial of the permit request within the time limits as provided under this section.
3. a. An application to collocate a small wireless facility that includes the installation of a new utility pole shall be processed on a nondiscriminatory basis and may be deemed approved if the village fails to approve or deny the application within 120 days after the submission of a completed application.
b. However, if an applicant intends to proceed with the permitted activity on a deemed approved basis, the applicant shall notify the village in writing of its intention to invoke the deemed approved remedy no sooner than 105 days after the submission of a completed application.
c. The permit shall be deemed approved on the latter of the one hundred twentieth day after submission of the complete application or the tenth day after the receipt of the deemed approved notice by the village. The receipt of the deemed approved notice shall not preclude the village's denial of the permit request within the time limits as provided under this section.
d. If the wireless service provider submits an application for a new utility pole, the village proposes an alternate placement on an existing utility pole or existing wireless support structure within 100 feet of the proposed collocation, and the wireless service provider fails to provide, within 15 days, the written certification describing why the proposed location does not satisfy the criteria in the collocation requirements and conditions set forth in division (C)(3) below, the village may deem the application incomplete or deny the application.
4. The village shall deny an application which does not meet the requirements of this section.
a. If the village determines that applicable codes, ordinances or regulations that concern public safety, or the collocation requirements and conditions contained herein require that the utility pole or wireless support structure be replaced before the requested collocation, approval shall be conditioned on the replacement of the utility pole or wireless support structure at the cost of the provider.
b. If the application is denied by the village, the village shall document the basis for a denial, including the specific code provisions or application conditions on which the denial is based, and send the documentation to the applicant on or before the day the village denies an application.
c. The applicant may cure the deficiencies identified by the village and resubmit the revised application once within 30 days after notice of denial is sent to the applicant without paying an additional application fee. The village shall approve or deny the revised application within 30 days after the applicant resubmits the application or it is deemed approved. Failure to resubmit the revised application within 30 days of denial shall require the application to submit a new application with applicable fees, and recommencement of the village's review period.
d. The applicant must notify the village in writing of its intention to proceed with the permitted activity on a deemed approved basis, which may be submitted with the revised application.
e. Any review of a revised application shall be limited to the deficiencies cited in the denial. However, this revised application does not apply if the cure requires the review of a new location, new or different structure to be collocated upon, new antennas, or other wireless equipment associated with the small wireless facility.
5. Pole attachment agreement. Within 30 days after an approved permit to collocate a small wireless facility on a municipal utility pole, the village and the applicant shall enter into a Master Pole Attachment Agreement, provided by the village for the initial collocation on a municipal utility pole by the application. For subsequent approved permits to collocate on a small wireless facility on a municipal utility pole, the village and the applicant shall enter into a License Supplement of the Master Pole Attachment Agreement. The Master Pole Attachment Agreement and any License Supplement shall be in a form approved by the Village Administrator and the Village Attorney.
(c) Completeness of application.
1. Within 30 days after receiving an application, the village shall determine whether the application is complete and notify the applicant. If an application is incomplete, the village must specifically identify the missing information. An application shall be deemed complete if the village fails to provide notification to the applicant within 30 days after all documents, information and fees specifically enumerated in the village's permit application form are submitted by the applicant to the village.
2. Processing deadlines are tolled from the time the village sends the notice of incompleteness to the time the applicant provides the missing information, or from the time that the village sends the notice proposing an alternate placement on an existing utility pole or existing wireless support structure within 100 feet of the proposed collocation.
(d) Tolling. The time period for applications may be further tolled by:
1. An express written agreement by both the applicant and the village; or
2. A local, state or federal disaster declaration or similar emergency that causes the delay.
(e) Consolidated applications.
1. An applicant seeking to collocate small wireless facilities within the jurisdiction of the village shall be allowed, at the applicant's discretion, to file a consolidated application and receive a single permit for the collocation of up to 25 small wireless facilities if the collocations each involve substantially the same type of small wireless facility and substantially the same type of structure.
2. If an application includes multiple small wireless facilities, the village may remove small wireless facility collocations from the application and treat separately small wireless facility collocations for which incomplete information has been provided or that do not qualify for consolidated treatment or that are denied. The village may issue separate permits for each collocation that is approved in a consolidated application.
(f) Duration of permits.
1. The duration of a permit shall be for a period of five years, and the permit shall be renewed for equivalent durations unless the village makes a finding that the small wireless facilities or the new or modified utility pole do not comply with the applicable village codes or any provision, condition or requirement contained in this section.
2. If the Act is repealed, renewals of permits shall be subject to the applicable Village Code provisions or regulations in effect at the time of renewal; provided, however, that the permits shall not automatically renew.
(g) Means of submitting applications. Applicants shall submit applications, supporting information and notices to the Village Clerk by personal delivery at the village's designated place of business, by regular mail, or certified mail, postmarked on the date due or by electronic mail. Any application submitted will not be considered submitted until the required application fee is received by the Village Clerk.
(3) Collocation requirements and conditions.
(a) Public safety space reservation. The village may reserve space on municipal utility poles for future public safety uses, for the village's electric utility uses, or both, but a reservation of space may not preclude the collocation of a small wireless facility unless the village reasonably determines that the municipal utility pole cannot accommodate both uses.
(b) Installation and maintenance. The wireless provider shall install, maintain, repair and modify its small wireless facilities in safe condition and good repair and in compliance with the requirements and conditions of this section. The wireless provider shall ensure that its employees, agents or contractors that perform work in connection with its small wireless facilities are adequately trained and skilled in accordance with all applicable industry and governmental standards and regulations.
(c) No interference with public safety communication frequencies.
1. The wireless provider's operation of the small wireless facilities shall not interfere with the frequencies used by a public safety agency for public safety communications.
2. A wireless provider shall install small wireless facilities of the type and frequency that will not cause unacceptable interference with a public safety agency's communications equipment.
3. Unacceptable interference will be determined by and measured in accordance with industry standards and the FCC's regulations addressing unacceptable interference to public safety spectrum or any other spectrum licensed by a public safety agency.
4. If a small wireless facility causes such interference, and the wireless provider has been given written notice of the interference by the public safety agency, the wireless provider, at its own expense, shall remedy the interference in a manner consistent with the abatement and resolution procedures for interference with public safety spectrum established by the FCC including 47 CFR 22.970 through 47 CFR 22.973 and 47 CFR 90.672 through 47 CFR 90.675.
5. The village may terminate a permit for a small wireless facility based on such interference if the wireless provider is not in compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations cited in the previous division. Failure to remedy the interference as required herein shall constitute a public nuisance.
(d) 1. The wireless provider shall not collocate small wireless facilities on village utility poles that are part of an electric distribution or transmission system within the communication worker safety zone of the pole or the electric supply zone of the pole. However, the antenna and support equipment of the small wireless facility may be located in the communications space on the village utility pole and on the top of the pole, if not otherwise unavailable, if the wireless provider complies with applicable codes for work involving the top of the pole.
2. For purposes of this division, the terms COMMUNICATIONS SPACE, COMMUNICATION WORKER SAFETY ZONE, and ELECTRIC SUPPLY ZONE have the meanings given to those terms in the National Electric Safety Code as published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
(e) The wireless provider shall comply with all applicable codes and local code provisions or regulations that concern public safety.
(f) The wireless provider shall comply with any and all written design standards that are in effect, or may in the future be in effect, for decorative utility poles, or reasonable stealth, concealment and aesthetic requirements that are set forth in a village ordinance, written policy adopted by the village, a comprehensive plan or other written design plan that applies to other occupiers of the rights-of-way, including on a historic landmark or in a historic district.
(g) Alternate placements.
1. Except as provided in this division (C), a wireless provider shall not be required to collocate small wireless facilities on any specific utility pole, or category of utility poles, or be required to collocate multiple antenna systems on a single utility pole. However, with respect to an application for the collocation of a small wireless facility associated with a new utility pole, the village may propose that the small wireless facility be collocated on an existing utility pole or existing wireless support structure within 100 feet of the proposed collocation, which the applicant shall accept if it has the right to use the alternate structure on reasonable terms and conditions, and the alternate location and structure does not impose technical limits or additional material costs as determined by the applicant.
2. If the applicant refuses a collocation proposed by the village, the applicant shall, within 15 days, provide written certification describing the property rights, technical limits or material cost reasons the alternate location does not satisfy the criteria in this division.
(h) Height limitations.
1. The maximum height of a small wireless facility shall be no more than 10 feet above the utility pole or wireless support structure on which the small wireless facility is collocated.
2. New or replacement utility poles or wireless support structures on which small wireless facilities are collocated may not exceed the higher of:
a. Ten feet in height above the tallest existing utility pole, other than a utility pole supporting only wireless facilities, that is in place on the date the application is submitted to the village, that is located within 300 feet of the new or replacement utility pole or wireless support structure and that is in the same right-of-way within the jurisdictional boundary of the village, provided the village may designate which intersecting right-of-way within 300 feet of the proposed utility pole or wireless support structures shall control the height limitation for such facility; or
3. Forty-five feet above ground level.
(i) Contractual design requirements. The wireless provider shall comply with requirements that are imposed by any contract between the village and a private property owner that concerns design or construction standards applicable to utility poles and ground-mounted equipment located in the right-of-way.
(j) Ground-mounted equipment spacing. No ground-mounted equipment desires to be installed by a wireless service provider shall be collocated within 300 feet of any other ground-mounted equipment owned or operated by the same wireless service provider. In addition, the wireless provider shall comply with all spacing requirements in applicable codes and ordinances concerning the location of ground-mounted equipment located in the right-of-way, which shall include, but not be limited to the following:
1. No interference with village Facilities. No facilities shall be placed in any location if the Village Engineer or village Public Works Commissioner determines that the proposed location will require the relocation or displacement of any of the village's utility facilities or will otherwise interfere with the operation or maintenance of any of the village's utility facilities.
2. Minimum interference and impact. The proposed collocation shall cause only the minimum possible interference with the use of the right-of-way and shall cause only the minimum possible impact upon, and interference with the rights and reasonable convenience of property owners who adjoin said right-of-way.
3. No interference with travel. No facility shall be placed in any location that interferes with the usual travel on such right-of-way.
4. No limitations on visibility. No facility shall be placed in any location so as to limit visibility of or by users of the right-of-way.
5. Size of utility facilities. Notwithstanding the maximum size requirement contained in this section, the proposed installation or collocation shall use the smallest suitable vaults, boxes, equipment enclosures, power pedestals, and/or cabinets then in use by the wireless service provider, regardless of location, for the particular application.
(k) Undergrounding regulations. No new utility poles, equipment, and/or appurtenances may be installed, and no existing utility poles may be modified, in a manner that results in such poles, equipment or appurtenances to be installed above ground unless:
1. There exists other utility poles in the area that are located above ground;
2. New underground installation is not technically feasible; and
3. The proposed installation will be made at a location, and will employ suitable design and materials, to provide the greatest protection of aesthetic qualities of the area being traversed without adversely affecting safety.
(l) Variances of collocation requirements. If an applicant proposes a height for a new or replacement pole in excess of the above height limitations, the spacing requirements concerning the location of ground-mounted equipment, or the undergrounding requirements that prohibit the installation of new or the modification of existing utility poles, equipment or appurtenances in a right-of-way, the applicant shall apply for a variance in conformance with the procedures, terms and conditions set forth in §§ 151.365 through 151.369, inclusive, of this Code of Ordinances.
(m) Collocation completion deadline. Collocation for which a permit is granted shall be completed within 180 days after issuance of the permit, unless the village and the wireless provider agree to extend this period or a delay is caused by make-ready work for a municipal utility pole or by the lack of commercial power or backhaul availability at the site, provided the wireless provider has made a timely request within 60 days after the issuance of the permit for commercial power or backhaul services, and the additional time to complete installation does not exceed 360 days after issuance of the permit. Otherwise, the permit shall be void unless the village grants an extension in writing to the applicant.
(4) Application fees. Application fees are imposed as follows:
(a) Applicant shall pay an application fee of $650 for an application to collocate a single small wireless facility on an existing utility pole or wireless support structure, and $350 for each small wireless facility addressed in a consolidated application to collocate more than one small wireless facility on existing utility poles or wireless support structures.
(b) Applicant shall pay an application fee of $1,000 for each small wireless facility addressed in an application that includes the installation of a new utility pole for such collocation.
(c) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of state law or local ordinance, applications pursuant to this section shall be accompanied by the required application fee. Application fees shall be non-refundable.
(d) The village shall not require an application, approval or permit, or require any fees or other charges, from a communications service provider authorized to occupy the rights-of-way, for:
1. Routine maintenance;
2. The replacement of wireless facilities with wireless facilities that are substantially similar, the same size, or smaller if the wireless provider notifies the village at least ten days prior to the planned replacement and includes equipment specifications for the replacement of equipment consistent with application requirements under division (C)(2)(a) above; or
3. The installation, placement, maintenance, operation or replacement of micro wireless facilities suspended on cables that are strung between existing utility poles in compliance with applicable safety codes.
(e) Wireless providers shall secure a permit from the village to work within rights-of-way for activities that affect traffic patterns or require lane closures.
(5) Exceptions to applicability. Nothing in this section authorizes a person to collocate small wireless facilities on:
(a) Property owned by a private party or property owned or controlled by the village or another unit of local government that is not located within rights-of-way, or a privately owned utility pole or wireless support structure without the consent of the property owner;
(b) Property owned, leased, or controlled by a park district, forest preserve district, or conservation district for public park, recreation or conservation purposes without the consent of the affected district, excluding the placement of facilities on rights-of-way located in an affected district that are under the jurisdiction and control of a different unit of local government as provided by the Illinois Highway Code; or
(c) 1. Property owned by a rail carrier registered under Illinois Vehicle Code, ILCS Ch. 625, Act 18C, § 7201, Metra Commuter Rail or any other public commuter rail service, or an electric utility as defined in the Public Utilities Act, ILCS Ch. 220, Act 5, § 16-102, without the consent of the rail carrier, public commuter rail service, or electric utility. The provisions of this section do not apply to an electric or gas public utility or such utility's wireless facilities if the facilities are being used, developed and maintained consistent with the provisions of the Public Utilities Act,ILCS Ch. 220, Act 5, § 16- 108.5(i).
2. For the purposes of this subsection, PUBLIC UTILITY has the meaning given to that term in the Public Utilities Act, ILCS Ch. 220, Act 5, § 3-105. Nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve any person from any requirement:
a. To obtain a franchise or a state-issued authorization to offer cable service or video service; or
b. To obtain any required permission to install, place, maintain, or operate communications facilities, other than small wireless facilities subject to this section.
(6) Annual recurring rate.
a. A wireless provider shall pay to the village an annual recurring rate to collocate a small wireless facility on a village utility pole located in a right-of-way that equals the greater of:
1. $200 per year; or
2. The actual, direct and reasonable costs related to the wireless provider's use of space on the village utility pole.
b. If the village has not billed the wireless provider actual and direct costs, the fee shall be $200 payable on the first day after the first annual anniversary of the issuance of the permit or notice of intent to collocate, and on each annual anniversary date thereafter.
(7) Abandonment.
a. A small wireless facility that is not operated for a continuous period of 12 months shall be considered abandoned. The village may send written inquiry to the wireless service provider inquiring whether any small wireless facility is in operation and, if it is not in operation, inquire of the last date upon which the small wireless facility was in operation. If the wireless service provider fails to respond to the village's written inquiry within 90 days from the receipt of the written inquiry, the village may deem that such small wireless facility has not operated for a continuous period of 12 months. The owner of the facility shall remove the small wireless facility within 90 days after receipt of written notice from the village notifying the wireless provider of the abandonment.
b. Any notice shall be sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, by the village to the owner at the last known address of the wireless provider. If the small wireless facility is not removed within 90 days of such notice, the village may remove or cause the removal of such facility pursuant to the terms of its pole attachment agreement for municipal utility poles or through whatever actions are provided for abatement of nuisances or by other law for removal and cost recovery.
c. A wireless provider shall provide written notice to the village if it sells or transfers small wireless facilities within the jurisdiction of the village. Such notice shall include the name and contact information of the new wireless provider.
(D) Dispute resolution. The Circuit Court of St. Clair County, Illinois shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve all disputes arising under this section and the Act. Pending resolution of a dispute concerning rates for collocation of small wireless facilities on municipal utility poles within the right-of-way, the village shall allow the collocating person to collocate on its poles at annual rates of no more than $200 per year per municipal utility pole, with rates to be determined upon final resolution of the dispute.
(E) Indemnification. A wireless provider shall indemnify and hold the village harmless against any and all liability or loss from personal injury or property damage resulting from or arising out of, in whole or in part, the use or occupancy of the village improvements or right-of-way associated with such improvements by the wireless provider or its employees, agents, or contractors arising out of the rights and privileges granted under this section and the Act. A wireless provider has no obligation to indemnify or hold harmless against any liabilities and losses as may be due to or caused by the sole negligence of the village or its employees or agents. A wireless provider shall further waive any claims that they may have against the village with respect to consequential, incidental, or special damages, however caused, based on the theory of liability.
(F) Insurance.
(1) The wireless provider shall carry, at the wireless provider's own cost and expense, the following insurance:
(a) Property insurance for its property's replacement cost against all risks;
(b) Workers' compensation insurance, as required by law; and
(c) Commercial general liability insurance, in amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate, with respect to its activities on the village improvements or rights-of-way to afford minimum protection limits consistent with its requirements of other users of village improvements or rights-of-way, including coverage for bodily injury and property damage.
(2) The wireless provider shall include the village as an additional insured on the commercial general liability policy and provide certification and documentation of inclusion of the village in a commercial general liability policy prior to the collocation of any wireless facility.
(3) A wireless provider may self-insure all or a portion of the insurance coverage and limit requirement required by the village. A wireless provider that self-insures is not required, to the extent of the self-insurance, to comply with the requirement for the name of additional insureds under this section. A wireless provider that elects to self-insure shall provide to the village evidence sufficient to demonstrate its financial ability to self-insure the insurance coverage limits required by the village.
(Ord. 2018-07-23A, passed 7-23-2018)
(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANTENNA. Any device that transmits and/or receives radio waves for voice, data or video communications purposes including, but not limited to, television, AM/FM radio, microwave, cellular
telephone and similar forms of communications. The term shall exclude satellite earth station antennas less than two meters in diameter (mounted within 12 feet of the ground or building-mounted) and any receive-only home television antennas.
AGL, ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. Ground level shall be determined by the average elevation of the natural ground level within a radius of 50 feet from the center location of measurement.
CABINET. A structure for the protection and security of communications equipment associated with one or more antennas where direct access to equipment is provided from the exterior and that has horizontal dimensions that do not exceed four feet by six feet, and vertical height that does not exceed six feet.
DISGUISED SUPPORT STRUCTURE. Any free-standing, human-made structure designed for the support of antennas, the presence of which is camouflaged or concealed as an appropriately-placed architectural or natural feature. Depending on the location and type of disguise used, the concealment may require placement underground of the utilities leading to the structure. Such structures may include, but are not limited to, clock towers, campaniles, observation towers, light standards, flag poles and artificial trees.
FAA. The Federal Aviation Administration.
FCC. The Federal Communications Commission.
HEIGHT. The vertical distance measured from the average grade of the base of the structure at ground level to its highest point and including the main structure and all attachments thereto.
INCIDENTAL USE. Any use authorized herein that exists in addition to the principal use of the property.
MODIFICATION. Any addition, deletion or change, including the addition or replacement of antennas, or any change to a structure requiring a building permit or other governmental approval.
SHELTER. A building for the protection and security of communications equipment associated with one or more antennas and where access to equipment is gained from the interior of the building. Human occupancy for office or other uses or the storage of other materials and equipment not in direct support of the connected antennas is prohibited.
SUPPORT STRUCTURE. A tower or disguised support structure.
TOWER. A structure designed for the support of one or more antennas and including guyed towers, self-supporting (lattice) towers or monopoles but not disguised support structures or buildings. The term shall also include any support structure including attachments of 65 feet or less in height, owned and operated solely for use by an amateur radio operator licensed by the Federal Communication Commission.
(B) General requirements. The requirements set forth in this section shall be applicable to all towers, antennas and other support structures installed, built or modified after the effective date of this section to the full extent permitted by law.
(1) Principal or incidental use. Antennas and support structures are special uses in NU, I-1, B-3 and B-4 Zone Districts subject to any applicable district requirement relating to yard or setback or 20% of tower height setback whichever is greater.
(2) Building codes, safety standards and zoning compliance. To ensure the structural integrity of antenna support structures, the owner shall see that it is constructed and maintained in compliance with all standards contained in applicable state and local building codes and the applicable standards published by the Electronics Industries Association, as amended from time to time. In addition to any other approvals required by this section, no antenna, tower or support structure shall be erected prior to receipt of a certificate of zoning compliance and the issuance of a building permit.
(3) Regulatory compliance. All antennas and support structures shall meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FAA, FCC and any other state or federal agency with the authority to regulate communications antennas and support structures. Should such standards or regulations be amended, then the owner shall bring the devices and structure into compliance with the revised standards or regulations within the time period mandated by the controlling agency. No approval for any placement, construction or modification of any antenna or structure permitted by this section shall be granted for any applicant having an uncured violation of this section or any other governmental regulatory requirement related to the antenna or structures within the village.
(4) Security. All antennas and support structures shall be protected from unauthorized access by appropriate security measures. A description of proposed security measures shall be provided as part of any application to install, build or modify antennas or support structures. Additional measures may be required as a condition of the issuance of a building permit or administrative permit as deemed necessary by the village staff or by the Zoning Board of Appeals in the case of a special use permit.
(5) Lighting. Antennas and support structures shall not be lighted unless required by the FAA or other state or federal agency with authority to regulate, in which case a description of the required lighting scheme will be made a part of the application to install, build or modify the antennas or support structure. Equipment cabinets and shelters may have lighting only as approved by the Village Board.
(6) Advertising. Except for a disguised antenna support structure in the form of an otherwise lawfully permitted pylon sign, the placement of advertising on structure regulated by this section is prohibited.
(7) Design.
(a) Subject to the requirements of the FAA or any applicable state or federal agency, towers shall be painted a color consistent with the natural or built environment of the site.
(b) Equipment shelters or cabinets shall have an exterior finish compatible with the natural or built environment of the site and shall also comply with any design guidelines as may be applicable to the particular zoning district in which the facility is located.
(c) Towers shall not exceed the height limitation of any airport overlay zone as may be adopted by the village.
(d) Antennas attached to a building or disguised antennas support structured shall be of a color identical to or closely compatible with the surface to which they are mounted.
(e) All towers shall be surrounded by a minimum ten-foot high security fence enclosure. For requirements of towers and equipment screening in other than industrial zone districts, see division (D) hereof.
(f) An alternative means of screening may be approved by the Village Board, upon demonstration by the applicant that an equivalent degree of visual screening will be achieved.
(g) All towers, disguised support structures and related structures, fences and walls shall be separated from the property zoned for a residential use or public building at least a distance equal to one-third the height of the tower.
(h) Vehicle or outdoor storage on any tower site is prohibited, unless otherwise permitted by the zoning.
(i) On-site parking for periodic maintenance and service shall be provided at all antenna or tower locations consistent with the underlying zoning district.
(j) Shared use.
1. Existing towers. Prior to the issuance of any permit to alter or modify any tower existing on the effective date of this chapter, the owner shall provide to the village a written and notarized agreement committing to make the tower available for use by others subject to reasonable technical limitations and reasonable financial terms. The willful and knowing failure of a tower owner to agree to shared use or to negotiate in good faith with potential users shall be unlawful and shall, among other remedies of the village, be cause for the withholding of future permits to the same owner to install, build or modify antennas or towers within the village.
2. Tower inventories. Prior to the issuance of any permit to install, build or modify any tower, the tower owner shall furnish the village staff an inventory of all of the towers in or within one and one-half miles of the village limits. The inventory shall include the tower's reference name or number, the street location, latitude and longitude, structure type, height, type and mounting height of existing antennas and an assessment of available ground space for the placement of additional equipment shelters. Upon being modified, any such tower shall be placed on the Multi-Use Interest Area Map for required collocation.
3. Shared use rewired; new towers. Any new tower approved at a height of 60 feet AGL (above ground level) or higher shall be designed and constructed to accommodate at least one additional user unless a larger number is indicated by the response to the notification provisions herein. A written agreement committing to shared use as required shall be submitted by the tower applicant. The willful and knowing failure of the owner of a tower built for shared use to negotiate in good faith with potential users shall be unlawful and shall be a violation of this section and, among other remedies of the village, shall be cause for the withholding of future permits to the same owner to install, build or modify antennas or towers within the village.
4. Notice of tower applications. Prior to any application for the construction of a new tower or disguised support structure, a copy of the application or a summary containing the height, design, location and type and frequency of antennas shall be delivered by certified mail to all known potential tower users as identified by a schedule maintained by the FCC. Proof of the delivery shall be submitted with the application to the village. The village staff may establish a form required to be used for the notifications. Upon request, the village staff shall place on a list the name and address of any user of towers or prospective users to receive notification of applications. The village staff shall, before deciding on the application or forwarding it to the Village Board for consideration, allow all persons receiving notice at least ten business days to respond to the village applicant that the party receiving notice be permitted to share the proposed tower or locate within one mile of the area. The failure of the receiving party to use this process or respond to any such notice shall be considered cause for denying requests by the party for new towers or structures.
5. Appeal of shared use violations. Any party seeking shared use of a tower subject to this provision shall after responding to notice of an application, negotiate with the applicant for the use. The applicant may on a legitimate and reasonable business basis choose between multiple requests for shared use on the same tower or structure and may reject any request where legitimate technical obstacles cannot be reasonably overcome or where the party requesting shared use will not agree to reasonable financial terms. Any party believing that the applicant has breached its duty to negotiate in good faith for shared use shall immediately notify the applicant and the village staff in writing. A notice of breach of duty shall explain the precise basis for the claim and shall be accompanied by payment of an administrative review fee of $500 to the village to offset the cost of review. After the applicant's receipt of the notice, the applicant shall have ten calendar days to provide a written submission to the village staff responding to the alleged violation of the shared use requirement. If deemed necessary by the village staff, he or she may engage, at the cost of the party alleging the violation, a neutral, qualified technical consultant to provide an opinion on feasibility or cost of the shared use request. If the village staff receives a notice alleging a violation of the shared use requirement, the time for a decision on an administrative permit is automatically extended for up to 30 days until the village staff has determined that the applicant has complied. An application for special use permit shall not be deemed complete for acceptance until a decision on compliance is reached.
(C) Use. The placement of antenna and towers are special uses in NU, I-1, B-3 and B-4 Districts only.
(D) Authorization by administrative permit. The placement of antenna and towers are special use in the Zone Districts indicated in § 151.046, however, the following may be permitted without a special use with Village Board approval.
(1) The attachment of additional antennas or shelters to any tower existing on the effective date of this section or subsequently approved in accordance with these regulations and requiring the enlargement of the existing tower compound area as long as all other requirements of this section and the underlying zoning district are met.
(a) The attachment of additional or replacement of antennas or shelters to any tower existing on the effective date of this section or subsequently approved in accordance with these regulations; provided that, additional equipment shelters or cabinets are located within the existing tower compound area;
(b) The mounting of antennas on any existing building or structure, such as a water tower; provided that, the presence of the antennas is concealed by architectural elements or fully camouflaged by painting a color identical surface to which they are attached; and
(c) The installation of antennas or the construction of a tower or support structure on buildings or land owned by the village following the approval of a lease agreement by the Village Board.
(2) The one-time replacement of any tower existing on the effective date of this section or subsequently approved in accordance with these regulations so long as the purpose of the replacement is to accommodate shared use of the site or to eliminate a safety hazard. The new tower shall be of the same type as the original except that a guyed or self-supporting (lattice) tower may be replaced by a monopole. If the guyed or lattice tower to be replaced is 180 feet or less in height, it shall only be replaced with a monopole. The height of the new tower may exceed that of the original by not more than 20 feet with FAA approval. Subsequent replacements shall require the approval of a special use permit and FAA approval.
(3) The construction of a disguised support structure provided that all related equipment shall be placed underground or concealed within the structure when the structure is located in any district other than a district authorizing industrial uses. Equipment may be placed in a screened* cabinet if the disguised support structure is incidental to an industrial, commercial, institutional or other non-residential use. *Screening in this provision means to be completely enclosed by a wall, a solid fence or closely-planted shrubbery, at least ten feet in height and of sufficient density to block the view.
(4) Towers erected and maintained for a period not to exceed 45 days for the purpose of replacing an existing tower, testing an existing or proposed network or special events requiring mobile towers.
(E) Special use permit required. All proposals to install, build or modify an antenna or support structure not covered under division (D) hereof shall require the approval of special use permit following a duly advertised public hearing by the Village Board, subject to the forthcoming limitations.
(1) Applications for special use permits shall be filed and processed subject to the requirements of and in the manner and time frame as herein established. A decision by the Village Board shall be accompanied by substantial evidence supporting the decision, which shall be made a part of the written record of the meeting at which a final decision on the application is rendered. Evidence shall be under oath and may be submitted with the application or thereafter or presented during the public hearing by the applicant or others. The applicant/petitioner must submit, with the special use petition, the document issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) indicating a "determination of no hazard to air navigation".
(2) No special use permit shall be issued unless the applicant has clearly demonstrated by substantial evidence that placement of an antenna on an existing support structure is not technologically or economically feasible. The Village Board may consider current or emerging industry standards and practices, among other information, in determining feasibility.
(3) In addition to the determinations or limitations specified herein, the Village Board shall also base its decision upon, and shall make findings as to, the existence of the following conditions:
(a) No existing towers, structures or buildings within the necessary geographic area for the applicant's tower meet the applicant's necessary engineering requirements considering:
1. Height;
2. Structural strength;
3. Resulting signal interference;
4. Feasibility of retrofitting;
5. Feasibility of redesigning the applicant's tower network; or
6. Other limiting conditions that render towers, structures or buildings within the applicant's area unsuitable.
(b) The design of the tower or structure, including the antennas, shelter and ground layout maximally reduces visual degradation and otherwise complies with provisions and intent of this section. New towers shall be of a monopole design, unless it is shown that an alternative design would equally or better satisfy this provision.
(c) The proposal minimizes the number and/or size of towers or structures that will be required in the area.
(d) The applicant has not previously failed to take advantage of reasonably available shared use opportunities or procedures provided by this chapter or otherwise.
(e) No land owned by any agency of the federal or state government, or by any political subdivision of the state, is available for locating the structure or tower. If any one, but not more than one, of the determinations is not satisfied, approval may be granted only on a finding of unique circumstances otherwise necessitating approval to satisfy the purposes of this section.
(4) No tower shall be approved at a height exceeding 150 feet AGL unless applicant clearly demonstrates that such height is required for the proper function of the applicant's system or that of a public safety communications system of a governmental entity sharing the tower. The showing must also be supported by the opinion of a telecommunications consultant hired by the village at the expense of the applicant. The opinion of the consultant shall include a statement that no available alternatives exist to exceeding the height limit or the reason why the alternatives are not viable and that the FAA has approved the height requested.
(F) Obsolete non-complying tower structure. Any upper portion of a tower which is not occupied by active antennas for a period of 12 months, and any entire tower which is not so occupied for a period of six months, shall be removed at the owner's expense. Removal of upper portions of a tower manufactured as a single unit shall not be required. Failure to comply with this provision shall constitute a nuisance that may be remedied by the village at the tower or property owner's expense. Any applicant for a new tower or disguised structure not built as disguised part of another existing or permitted structure shall place a bond or other security with the village prior to any final approval for the purpose of removing any tower or disguised structure as required herein and to compensate the village for performing proper maintenance of the towers or disguised structures to ensure the structures do not become unsafe or otherwise fail to be maintained in compliance with this chapter. The bond or security shall be in the form approved by the village staff, and in the amount of $15,000, or such other amount as is determined by the village staff to satisfy the requirements hereof with regard to the specific tower or structure to which it would apply.
(G) Commercial operation of unlawful tower or antennas. Notwithstanding any right that may exist for a governmental entity to operate or construct a tower or structure, it shall be unlawful for any person to erect or operate for any private purpose of any antenna, tower or disguised support structure in violation of any provision of this chapter, regardless of whether the antenna or structure is located on land owned by a governmental entity.
(H) Penalty. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500 or 90 days in jail or both. Each day the violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(I) Applications for permits required by this section shall be made on the appropriate forms to the village staff and accompanied by payment per § 151.166(J), or such other fee as may be established by the Board.
(1) A detailed site plan, based on a closed boundary survey of the host parcel, shall be submitted indicating all existing and proposed improvements including buildings, drives, walkway, parking areas and other structures, public right-of-way, the zoning categories of the subject and adjoining properties, the location of and distance to off-site residential structures, required setbacks, required buffer and landscape areas, hydroponic features and the coordinates and height AGL of the existing or proposed tower.
(2) The application shall be reviewed by the Zoning Administration to determine compliance with the above standards and transmit the application for review and comment by other departments and agencies as may be affected by the proposed facility, and forwarded to the Village Board of Trustees.
(J) Application fee.
(1) Application review fee for permits covered by this section to be per § 34.01.
(2) Applications requiring a special use permit shall also include the associated fee per § 34.01.
Fences, walls or natural barriers used for any purpose shall, in all districts, conform to the following.
(A) For the purpose of minimizing traffic hazards and or natural barriers at street intersections by improving visibility for converging vehicles, obstructions higher than two feet above the adjacent top of the curb or street elevation, whichever is higher, shall not be permitted to remain or to be planted, placed or erected on any corner lot within the triangular portion of land designated as "restricted area" in Figure A-4.
(B) No barbed wire or other such sharp pointed fence below eight feet in height and no electrically-charged fence shall be erected or maintained, except in non-urban districts.
(C) (1) No fence, fill, retaining wall or other structure shall be constructed or erected within any public street, right-of-way or private easement unless authorized by the village. Fences, retaining walls or other structures erected within any public street, right-of-way or easement under village authorization shall be constructed so that drainage shall not be obstructed and the upstream water level is not raised in any storm event from that existing before the proposed work.
(2) In the event of the maintenance, removal and/or replacement of the fence, retaining wall or other structure, the owner of the fence, retaining wall or other structure shall be responsible for the cost of the maintenance, removal and/or replacement and any other costs incurred by the village as a result of the construction.
(D) Fences, walls and natural barriers in any residential district, when permitted, may be located along lot lines; provided, the following regulations are met.
(1) Fences are not permitted in the front yard. For purposes of fence installation only, a
FRONT YARD is defined as the building set back line on the side of a lot that abuts the street address of the primary structure. (This shall not apply to decorative fences used as part of a landscaping display. Decorative fences shall be defined as those that do not enclose any area and are immediately adjacent to other landscaping features such as plants, trees or flowers.)
(2) Fences located to the rear of the front yard setback area shall not be greater than six feet in height.
(E) (1) No fence, wall or structure shall be constructed or erected within any public street, alley right-of-way, platted or recorded easement and or platted or recorded outlot until a permit has been issued by the village staff.
(2) Permit applications shall be submitted to the village staff for review.
(3) Applications to be accompanied by a sketch and engineer's calculations verifying compliance with the code.
Nuisances generally, see § 90.01
Front setbacks on multiple frontage lots, see § 151.034
Lot requirements, see § 151.222
Easements, see § 151.293