§ 91.05 CURFEW.
   It shall be unlawful to be present in a park between dusk and dawn, unless the person is attending a community function, approved special event, or participating in an organized sport through the O’Fallon-Shiloh Sports Program.
(Ord. 2022-07-05C, passed 7-5-2022)
   (A)   Fishermen shall possess a valid Illinois fishing license.
   (B)   No boats/floats, wading, etc. are allowed. Fishing from the bank only.
   (C)   No waterfowl hunting allowed.
   (D)   No catching of turtles allowed.
   (E)   No ice fishing allowed.
   (F)   Only the use of two poles and line fishing is allowed. The use of trot lines, jugs, etc. is prohibited.
   (G)   Largemouth bass shall be a minimum of 18 inches in length. The limit is one fish per day per person.
   (H)   Bluegill and/or redear sunfish shall have no minimum length. The limit is ten fish per day per person.
   (I)   Channel catfish shall have no minimum length. The limit is three fish per day per person.
   (J)   Hours of fishing are the same hours as the Park is open for public use.
   (K)   Aquatic plants shall not be removed.
   (L)   Fish from any outside location(s) shall not be released in the lake (no outside fish shall be deposited in the lake).
   (M)   Motorized vehicles shall not be permitted to drive to or park by the lake. Parking is only allowed in dedicated parking areas.
   (N)   Unused bait shall not be dumped into the lake.
   (O)    Violation of any of the above shall incur a fine as per Chapter 34 of this code.
   (P)   This section will be enforced by Village of Shiloh Police and IDNR Conservation Police.
(Ord. 2019-03-04A, passed 3-4-2019)