General Provisions
72.01 Designation
72.02 Areas
72.03 Curbs; painted
72.04 Repair
Handicapped or Disabled Persons
72.15 Designation of on-street parking spaces; display of permits
72.16 Designation of off-street parking stalls or spaces
72.17 Definitions
72.18 Permit issuance
72.19 Motor vehicle permit issuance
72.20 Permit contents; prohibited issuance; duplicate permits
72.21 Permits; permit valid; renewal; fee
72.22 Permits nontransferable; violations; suspension
72.23 Removal of unauthorized vehicle; penalty
72.24 Citation; issuance; complaint; trial; dismissal
72.35 Current license
72.36 Time limit
72.37 Maximum time limit
72.38 Removal of illegally parked vehicles
72.39 Semi-trailers prohibited
72.40 Snow emergency
72.41 Unlawful parking; removal of vehicles
72.42 Truck-tractors with auxiliary power unit prohibited
72.43 Parking in residential yards prohibited
72.44 Parking of non-motorized vehicles on public streets and alleys prohibited
72.99 Penalty