Commercial and Heavy Vehicles
464.01   Truck and trailer traffic.
464.02   Restriction on use of highways.
464.03   Overweight permits; fees.
464.99   Penalty.
   Registration fees for trucks and truck tractors - see Vehicle Code § 1916
   Restrictions on use of highways and bridges - see Vehicle Code § 4902
   Securing loads in vehicles - see Vehicle Code § 4903
   Width, height and length - see Vehicle Code §§ 4921 et seq.
   Maximum weights of vehicles - see Vehicle Code §§ 4941 et seq.
   Special permits for excessive size and weight - see Vehicle Code §§ 4961 et seq.
   Measuring and adjusting vehicle size and weight - see Vehicle Code §§ 4981 et seq.
   Parking of commercial and heavy vehicles on off-street systems and sites - see TRAF. 480.06
   Truck and trailer parking in residentially zoned areas - see TRAF. 480.17
   Motor vehicle radios, music players and audio systems - see GEN. OFF. 636.05
   Parking of trucks or trailers in Residential Districts prohibited - see P. & Z. 1270.08