(a)   All ordinances of a permanent and general nature of the City as revised, codified, rearranged, renumbered and consolidated into component codes, titles, chapters and sections shall be known and designated as the Codified Ordinances of Shaker Heights, Ohio, for which designation "Codified Ordinances" may be substituted. Code, title, chapter and section headings do not constitute any part of the law as contained in the Codified Ordinances.
(ORC 1.01)
   (b)   The Codified Ordinances are arranged in component codes designated by numbers, respectively:
      1.   Administrative Code
      3.   Health Code
      5.   Business Regulation Code
      7.   General Offenses Code
      9.   Fire Prevention Code
      11.   Traffic Code
      12.   Zoning Code
      13.   Building Code
      14.   Housing Code.
   (c)   When published and assembled in book form and certified as correct by the Mayor and Clerk of Council, the Codified Ordinances shall be admitted in evidence and accepted by the courts and all persons as to the existence, effectiveness and regularity of all enactments so published in such book form as of the effective date designated therein.
   (d)   AAll references to codes, titles, chapters and sections are to such components of the Codified Ordinances unless otherwise specified. Any component code may be referred to and cited by its name, such as the "Traffic Code". Sections may be referred to and cited by the designation "Section" followed by the number, such as "Section 101.01".