No building permit may be issued without first adhering to the site plan review standards set forth in Section 1213.06, Site Plan Review. Additionally, the following requirements shall be observed:
   A.    Building Separation. The location, relation and separation of uses and buildings shall be designed and constructed so as to provide compatible utilization and functioning of all uses. The principal building shall be separated from other uses according to the following schedule:
      1.    Accessory Buildings = Ten (10) feet unless attached.
      2.    Other Principal Buildings = Twenty (20) feet unless attached.
   B.    Architectural Element at Setback Line. When an architectural element is located at the minimum setback line in lieu of the principal building, as permitted in Section 1233.07.A, such element shall be reflective of the building’s façade materials and details. Architectural elements shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in height.
   C.    Off-Street Parking Buffers. All parking lots located within the front yard setback shall be buffered from view by roadside traffic pursuant to Section 1253.08, Parking Lot Landscaping.