Conditional Uses are those uses having some special impact or uniqueness that requires a careful review of their location, design, configuration, and special impact to determine the desirability of permitting their establishment on any given site. Permits for Conditional Uses may be granted pursuant to the requirements of Section 1213.05, Conditional Uses. General Standards for conditional use permits are found in Section 1213.05.H, Standards for Conditional Use Permits. Standards for specific conditional uses may be found in Chapter 1263, Conditional Uses or elsewhere as referenced herein.
   In order to provide an appropriate environment for office and ancillary uses and facilities, the following may be permitted only as Conditional Uses in the O Office District:
   A.    Assembly Halls.
   B.    Colleges.
   C.    Drive through facilities, pursuant to section 1263.10.
   D.    Libraries.
   E.    Mid-rise office development, pursuant to Section 1263.16.
   F.    Museums.
   G.    Places of Worship
   H.    Planned Unit Developments, pursuant to Section 1213.09, Planned Development Review and Chapter 1242, Planned Unit Development Overlay District.
   I.    Restaurants, sit-down.
   J.    Utilities (including substations, transmission facilities and related facilities).
      (Ord. 18-25. Enacted 4-23-18.)