The Council shall have and possess:
   (a)    The power by ordinance to create, change and abolish any office, department, division or agency, other than the offices, departments, divisions and agencies established by this Charter. The Council by ordinance may assign additional functions or duties to offices, departments, divisions, or agencies established by this Charter, but may not discontinue or assign to any other office, department, division or agency any function or duty assigned by this Charter to a particular office, department, division, or agency.
   (b)    By a vote of five (5) of its members to the power expel or remove any appointee of the Mayor from office for gross misconduct, malfeasance, nonfeasance, misfeasance, or for any other matter which would disqualify that person from office or prevent that person from carrying on their official duties in said office; for their conviction while in office of a crime involving moral turpitude, or for absence without justifiable reason from their position, by first notifying the said appointee in writing of the charge which has been lodged against them at least fifteen (15) days prior to any hearing upon such charge. That person shall have the right to be represented by counsel and shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to present evidence in their defense, and also shall have the right to examine under oath any witness appearing against that person in support of such charge.
(c)    The power to fix the number of employees in the various departments of the City, to fix their rate of compensation, and to approve all appointments by a majority of four (4) of the seven (7) members of Council. (Amended 11-3-98)
(d)    The power to be judge of the election and qualifications of its own members.
(e)    The power to establish the form and method of enactment of its ordinances and resolutions, except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
(f)    The power to authorize contracts and make the necessary appropriations therefor, pursuant to the authority provided in the Ohio Revised Code § 735.05 as amended from time to time.
(g)    The authority to provide by ordinance or resolution for carrying into effect any or all powers conferred upon municipalities or the inhabitants thereof by the home rule provisions of the State of Ohio and the method thereof, except where this Charter prescribes that method; and the Council shall perform the duties imposed and exercise the powers conferred upon councils of cities by the general laws of the State of Ohio not conflicting with this Charter or the ordinances and resolutions of the Council.
(Enacted 11-3-98; Amended 11-7-23; Res. 04-2024)