The Building Commissioner shall investigate the statements contained in the application and shall report the filing of such application and his findings to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Board shall set a date for a hearing upon the application and shall notify the applicant of such date. If after a hearing the Zoning Board of Appeals determines that the granting of the application will not adversely affect the public welfare, health, safety and convenience, it shall grant the application upon such conditions as the Board may determine are necessary for the protection of the public interest, health and safety, including conditions relating to the method of stripping or removal, the term of the permit, the amount of topsoil or loam to be left on the land, which shall not be less than three inches, the reseeding or replanting, the drainage or topography of the land which shall be required after removal of the topsoil, the days of the week and the hours during such days operations may be carried on, and such other conditions as the Board may deem necessary for the protection of the public interest, health, safety and welfare. Any conditions imposed by the Board shall be made a part of the permit and constitute limitations thereon.
(Ord. 17-1971. Passed 3-3-71.)