A. Outdoor Watering: No person shall conduct outdoor watering, including, but not limited to, the irrigation of lawns, shrubs, flowers, trees, gardens and other outdoor vegetation between the hours of twelve o'clock (12:00) noon and seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. effective between May 1 and September 30 each year, except:
1. Discharged water from a water cooled refrigerated air conditioner system;
2. Newly seeded lawns for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. (Permit required from City Hall.); and
3. Merchants engaged in the seasonal retail sales of live plants including, but not limited to, bedding plants, flowers, vegetables, fruits, trees and shrubs.
B. Resale Of Water: No water shall be resold or distributed by the recipient thereof from the City supply to any premises other than that for which application has been made and the meter installed, except in case of emergency.
C. Tampering: It shall be unlawful for any person not authorized by the City to tamper with, alter or injure any part of the City waterworks or supply system, or any meter.
D. Unlawful Connection: No person shall make any connection to the waterworks system of the City without the permission of the City. (Ord. 1141, 6-3-2013)
Whenever any connection to the waterworks system is abandoned because the building to which the water connection is made has been abandoned, destroyed or removed, the Superintendent of Public Works may remove the meter and any pipe or connections in the public right-of-way or easement, and cap, plug or otherwise seal the pipe or main. Before taking any such steps, the Superintendent of Public Works shall notify the owner of the real estate if the owner's name and address is known, and shall notify the person shown on the real estate tax records as having paid taxes on the property the last time taxes were paid. Such notice shall be made by mail, at least thirty (30) days before any action is taken under this section. If water is leaking, the Superintendent of Public Works shall take immediate action, and send the notices within three (3) working days of the time action was taken. (Ord. 936, 1-7-1991; amd. 1998 Code)
The City does not guarantee the delivery of water through any of its mains and connecting services at any time, except only when its mains, pumping machinery and power service connections are in good working order, and the supply of water is sufficient for the usual demand of its consumers. (Ord. 936, 1-7-1991)
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1998 Code)
8-2A-1: Purpose
8-2A-2: Definitions
8-2A-3: Classes Of Water Uses
8-2A-4: Water Conservation Program
8-2A-5: Voluntary Conservation Measures
8-2A-6: Mandatory Conservation Measures
8-2A-7: Emergency Water Rates
8-2A-8: Regulations
8-2A-9: Violations, Disconnections And Penalties
8-2A-10: Emergency Termination
The purpose of this article is to provide for a progressive water supply conservation program, including the declaration of a water supply watch, warning or emergency and the implementation of voluntary and mandatory water conservation measures throughout the city in the event such a watch, warning or emergency is declared by the governing body of the city. (Ord. 1155, 7-21-2014)
As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
CUSTOMER: The customer of record using water for any purpose from the city's water distribution system and for which either a regular charge is made or, in the case of coin sales, a cash charge is made at the site of delivery.
WASTE OF WATER: Includes, but is not limited to:
A. Permitting water to escape down a street, roadway or other surface intended for vehicle driving purposes, and/or any gutter, ditch, or other surface drain; or
B. Failure to repair a controllable leak of water due to defective plumbing.
WATER: Water available to the city of Scott City for treatment by virtue of the city's water rights, water supply, water supply contracts or any treated water introduced by the city into its water distribution system, including water offered for sale at any coin operated site. (Ord. 1155, 7-21-2014)