(A) In business districts. No person shall use or operate any wheeled toy upon any sidewalk or street in a business district or in or adjacent to any place of public assembly, nor shall any person park or leave any wheeled toy on a sidewalk or in a street in a business district or adjacent to or in a place of public assembly.
('81 Code, § 10.44.020)
(B) On grades. The operation and use of wheeled toys is prohibited on all public streets and sidewalks located in the city having a grade of six percent or more and which are declared by resolution of the City Council to be hazardous to pedestrians, motorists or persons operating such wheeled toys.
('81 Code, § 10.44.030) Penalty, see § 73.99
Statutory reference:
Authority to regulate, see Cal. Veh. Code §§ 21967 et seq.
(A) Devices designed, intended and used solely for the transportation of infants, the elderly or the handicapped or devices designed and intended in use for the transportation of merchandise to or from the place of purchase are exempted from the regulations imposed by this subchapter.
(B) In addition, the regulations set forth in this subchapter shall not apply to a place of public assembly when it is not open or in use.
('81 Code, § 10.44.050)
(A) Any violation of this chapter is an infraction punishable pursuant to Chapter 13 of this code.
('81 Code, §§ 10.40.310 and 10.44.060) (Ord. 726, passed - -79)
(B) No fine imposed for any violation of this chapter shall exceed $500.
('81 Code, § 10.40.300)