It shall be the duty of the poundmaster and every law enforcement officer to apprehend any dog found running at large contrary to the provisions of § 13.01.020 and to impound such dog in the animal shelter or other suitable place. The poundmaster, upon receiving any dog, shall make a complete registry, entering the breed, color and sex of such dog and whether the dog is licensed. If licensed, the poundmaster shall enter the name and address of the owner and the number of the license tag. Licensed dogs shall be separated from unlicensed dogs. (HMC § 6.08.170)
(Ord. 836, § 1 (part))
(A) Not later than one day after the impounding of any dog, the owner shall be notified or if the owner of the dog is unknown, written notice shall be posted for four days at the City Hall describing the dog and the place and time of taking. Notice may be given to the owner in person, by mail or by telephone.
(B) The owner of any dog so impounded may reclaim such dog upon payment of the license fee, if unpaid, and of all costs and charges incurred by the city or county for impounding and maintenance of such dog. (HMC § 6.08.180, as modified.)
(Ord. 836, § 1 (part))