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1704.2 Replace Exception 2 as follows:
2. The special inspections and verifications for foundation concrete, other than cast-in-place drilled piles or caissons, are not required for occupancies in Group R-3 and occupancies in Group U that are accessory to a residential occupancy, but not limited to, those listed in Section 312.1.
This exception shall not apply to foundations serving as retaining walls of soil over 5 feet (1829 mm) in height measured from the base of the foundation, or the structural design of the footing based on a specified compressive strength, f'c, greater than 2,500 pounds per square inch (psi) (17.2 MPa), regardless of the com- pressive strength specified in the construction documents or used in the footing construction.
1705.1.1 Add item 4 as follows:
4. Work which, in the opinion of the Director, involves unusual hazards or conditions such as under- pinning, shoring, removal of hazardous materials and new construction methods not covered by this code.
1705.4.3 Add the following section:
1705.4.3 Exterior facing. Special inspection is required during fastening of all exterior veneer and ornamentation facing units constructed of concrete, masonry, stone or similar materials, and all curtain walls weighing more than 15 pounds per square foot (73.23 kg/m2
) of wall.
1. Veneers weighing less than 5 pounds per square foot (24.46 kg/m2
) located less than 15 feet (4.57 m) above grade.
2. Anchored veneer located less than 10 feet (3.048 m) above grade.
1705.4.4 Add the following section:
1705.4.4 Retrofit of unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings. Special inspection is required:
1 During the testing of mortar quality and performance of masonry shear tests in accordance with SFEBC Section 414B when required by SFEBC Sections 406B.3.3 and 407B.2.
2 During repointing operations in accordance with SFEBC Section 416B when required by SFEBC Sections 406B.3.3.7 and 407B.1.
3 During the installation of new shear bolts when required by the exception to SFEBC Section 407B.4.
4 Prior to the placement of the bolt and grout or adhesive for embedded bolts as required by SFEBC Section 407B.4.
5 During the prequalification tests in accordance with SFEBC Section 415B.3 as permitted by Footnote 8 to SFEBC Table 4B-E.
1705.5.4 Add the following section:
1705.5.4 Shear walls and floor systems used as shear diaphragms. All connections, including nailing, tie-downs, framing clips, bolts and straps, for those parts of a lateral force resisting system utilizing the following components:
1 Plywood diaphragms, where shear values exceed 2/3 the values in Tables 2306.3.1 and 2306.3.2.
2 Double sheathed shear walls, in all cases.
3 Plywood shear walls, wherever nailing or hardware are not visible to the district inspector at the time of cover-up inspection.
If nailing is not visible to the inspector at the called inspection, or if the special inspector has not inspected the work prior to the concealment, all work concealing such nailing shall be removed in order to permit a complete inspection.
4 Gypsum wallboard shearwalls where shear values exceed one-half of the values permitted by Footnote a of Table 2306.4.5.
5 Fiberboard shearwalls where shear values exceed one-half of the values in Table 2306.4.4.
6 Particle-board diaphragms, where shear values exceed one-half of the values in Table 2306.4.3.
1705.19 Add the following section:
1705.19 Demolition. Demolition of buildings more than two stories or 25 feet (7.62 m) in height. See Section 3303 for demolition requirements.
EXCEPTION: Type V buildings.
1705.20 Add the following section:
1705.20 Reserved.
(Reserved by Ord. 65-19, File No. 190136, App. 4/12/2019, Eff. 5/13/2019)
1705.21 Add the following section:
1705.21 Construction subject to the Slope Protection Act, created by Section 106A.4.1.4; or construction of a new building or structure, or alterations that involve a substantial increase in the envelope of an existing building or structure within the Edgehill Mountain Slope Protection Area, created by Building Code Section 106A.4.1.2, or the Northwest Mt. Sutro Slope Protection Area, created by Building Code Section 106A.4.1.3; provided, however, that, until the special inspection reports required by Building Code Section 1704.2.4 are submitted to and approved by the Department, the phase of construction subsequent to the phase or element for which the report was completed cannot commence.
1705.22 Add the following section:
1705.22 Crane Safety. No owner or other person shall operate, authorize or permit the operation of a tower crane on a high-rise building structure until a signed Crane Site Safety Plan, Submittal Form and Crane Safety Compliance Agreement have been accepted by the Building Official.