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   (a)   Calculation. The TSF shall be calculated on the basis of the amount of new gross square feet created by the Development Project, multiplied by the TSF rate in effect at the issuance of the First Construction Document for each of the applicable land use categories within the Development Project, as provided in the Fee Schedule set forth in Section 411A.5, except as provided in subsections (b)-(e), below. An accessory use shall be charged at the same rate as the underlying use to which it is accessory. In reviewing whether a Development Project is subject to the TSF, the project shall be considered in its entirety. A project sponsor shall not seek multiple applications for building permits to evade paying the TSF for a single Development Project.
   (b)   Change or Replacement of Use. When calculating the TSF for a development project in which there is a Change or Replacement of Use such that the rate charged for the new land use category is higher than the rate charged for the category of the existing legal land use, the TSF per square foot rate shall be the difference between the rate charged for the new and the existing use.
   (c)   Calculation Method for Residential Uses. Areas of Residential use within a project that creates no more than 99 dwelling units shall pay the fee listed in Table 411A.5. When a project creates more than 99 dwelling units, the fees for areas of Residential use shall be calculated as follows: The number of dwelling units greater than 99 shall be divided by the total number of dwelling units created to determine the proportion of the project represented by those dwelling units. The resulting quotient shall be multiplied by the total gross floor area of Residential use in the project. The resulting product represents the number of gross square feet of Residential use in the project that is subject to the higher fee rate in Table 411A.5 for dwelling units above 99. The remainder of gross square feet of Residential use in the project is subject to the lower fee rate in Table 411A.5 for dwelling units at or below 99.
   (d)   Calculation Method for Hospitals. For any project creating a new Hospital use, or expanding an existing Hospital use, as defined in Section 102 of this Code, the number of Gross Square Feet that shall be used to calculate the TSF shall be calculated by the following formula:
GSF of New Hospital Use
×  (
Net increase of licensed inpatient beds in the City and County of San Francisco created by the proposed Hospital use for the associated licensed hospital operator
Total number of existing licensed inpatient beds in the City and County of San Francisco for the associated licensed hospital operator
      This formula calculates the number of gross square feet of the new Hospital use, multiplied by the ratio of the net increase of licensed inpatient beds in the City and County of San Francisco resulting from the proposed Hospital use for the associated licensed hospital operator to the total number of existing licensed inpatient beds in the City and County of San Francisco, including licensed beds at one or more locations, for the associated licensed hospital operator. The gross square feet resulting from this formula shall be subject to the TSF rate set forth in Table 411A.5.
   (e)    Calculation Method for Changes or Replacements of Use, from a Hospital to Any Other Use. If a Hospital use that was previously subject to the TSF undergoes a Change or Replacement of Use to any other use, the rate applicable to the new use shall be applied to any gross square feet of previous Hospital use that was excluded from the fee calculation per the formula established in Section 411A.4(d).
(Added by Ord. 200-15 , File No. 150790, App. 11/25/2015, Eff. 12/25/2015 and Ord. 222-15 , File No. 155521, App. 12/18/2015, Eff. 1/17/2016)