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   There shall be a special sign district known as the "Northeast Waterfront Special Sign District." The boundaries of this special sign district shall be coterminous with the boundaries of the Northeast Waterfront Historic District, as established pursuant to Article 10, Appendix D of this Code by Ordinance No. 171-83, and any amendments thereto. A copy of said Ordinance and materials related thereto are on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 031034.
   (a)   Purposes and Findings.
      (1)   In addition to furthering the purposes stated in Sections 101 and 601 of this Code, creation of the Northeast Waterfront Special Sign District is intended to further the purposes of the Northeast Waterfront Historic District created pursuant to Board of Supervisors Ordinance No. 171-83, and any amendments thereto, and to foster the preservation and enhancement of said Historic District.
      (2)   The standards established by these regulations are deemed to be minimum requirements.
   (b)   Regulations within the Special Sign District:
      (1)   No Projection shall exceed a horizontal distance of six feet beyond any Street Property Line. This limitation shall apply to Signs and to all other features, including but not limited to, Marquees and Awnings, with the sole exception of flagpoles for flags. All Signs, Marquees, Awnings, and other features shall be supported entirely by a building. No Canopies shall be permitted.
      (2)   All Signs shall be placed entirely below the level of the lowest cornice or strong horizontal element located above the ground story of the building, and in no event higher than three feet above the top of the ceiling level of the ground story.
      (3)   No Directly Illuminated Sign, as defined in Section 602 of this Code, shall be permitted.
      (4)   Principal Signs. Only one principal sign shall be permitted per establishment per street frontage. In addition, the following provisions shall apply to principal signs:
         (A)   A projecting sign shall not exceed 10 square feet;
         (B)   If a flush sign contains lettering, the lettering shall not exceed 18 inches in height; provided, however, that in no event shall lettering exceed a size that can be read from any farther than across the street;
         (C)   On a brick surfaces, signs shall be mounted with a minimum number of wall penetrations.
      (5)   Secondary Signs. Only one secondary sign shall be permitted per establishment per street frontage. A secondary sign is intended to be viewable close-up. In addition, the following provisions shall apply to secondary signs:
         (A)   If lettering is placed on a door or window, such lettering may contain only the name and nature of the establishment, hours of operation, and other pertinent information;
         (B)   A projecting secondary sign shall not exceed two square feet in area if used in conjunction with a principal flush sign.
      (6)   The total area of all Signs on a building shall not exceed an area of two square feet for each foot of street frontage occupied by the building; however, in no event shall the total area of all signs on a building’s street frontage exceed 50 square feet.
(Added by Ord. 59-08, File No. 031034, App. 4/10/2008; amended by Ord. 217-16, File No. 160424, App. 11/10/2016, Eff. 12/10/2016)
Section header amended; former divisions (b)(1)–(b)(3) deleted; former divisions (b)(4)–(b)(6) and (b)(9) amended and redesignated as (b)(1)–(b)(3) and (b)(6); former divisions (b)(7) and (b)(8) redesignated as (b)(4) and (b)(5); Ord. 217-16, Eff. 12/10/2016.