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   (a)   Purpose. The Visitacion Valley Fee Area (Fee Area) is located along the southeastern border of San Francisco and includes the area bounded by McLaren Park to the west, the San Mateo County line to the south, Mansell Street to the north, and Highway 101 and Bayview Park to the east. The Board takes legislative notice of the purpose of the following planning areas: Executive Park Subarea Plan of the Bayview Hunters Point Area Plan, and the Visitacion Valley Redevelopment Area, including the Schlage Lock site. The Board also takes notice of the HOPE SF program, specifically the HOPE SF development at Sunnydale. Jointly these plans and program aim to strengthen neighborhood character, the neighborhood commercial district, and transit by increasing the housing and retail capacity in the area. This project goal will also help to meet ABAG's projected demand to provide housing in the Bay Area by encouraging the construction of higher density housing. The Plan builds on existing neighborhood character and establishes new standards for amenities necessary for a transit-oriented neighborhood. In addition, the Board notes the findings made in the above-referenced Plans that support the establishment of the Visitacion Valley Community Improvements Fee and Fund, specifically that new development in Visitacion Valley creates the need for improvements in pedestrian and streetscape amenities, bicycle infrastructure, recreation and open space facilities, and childcare.
   (b)   Findings. The Board of Supervisors has reviewed the San Francisco Citywide Nexus Analysis prepared by AECOM dated March 2014 ("Nexus Analysis"), and the San Francisco Infrastructure Level of Service Analysis prepared by AECOM dated March 2014, both on file with the Clerk of the Board in File No. 150149 and, under Section 401A, adopts the findings and conclusions of those studies and the general and specific findings in that Section, specifically including the Recreation and Open Space Findings, Pedestrian and Streetscape Findings, Childcare Findings, and Bicycle Infrastructure Findings and incorporates those by reference herein to support the imposition of the fees under this Section.
      The Board takes legislative notice of the findings supporting these fees in former Planning Code Section 420.1 (formerly Section 318.10 et seq.) and the materials associated with Ordinance No. 3-11 in Board File No. 101247. To the extent that the Board previously adopted fees in this Area Plan that are not covered in the analysis of the 4 infrastructure areas analyzed in the Nexus Analysis, including but not limited to tees related to transit, the Board continues to rely on its prior analysis and the findings it made in support of those fees.
(Added by Ord. 108-10, File No. 091275, App. 5/25/2010; amended by Ord. 3-11, File No. 101247, App. 1/7/2011; Ord. 50-15 , File No. 150149, App. 4/24/2015, Eff. 5/24/2015)
Section header and divisions (a) and (b) amended; former divisions (c)-(e) deleted; Ord. 50-15 , Eff. 5/24/2015.